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Updated: August 27, 2024

'If it had been a denner pairty, he said slowly, thinking doubtless of Aunt Purdie's, 'I could ha'e gi'ed ye a queer list; but ye canna gang faur wrang at a tea pairty. 'I dinna want to gang an inch wrang. 'Weel, then, for instance, some folk objec's to a chap sookin' his tea frae his saucer 'I'll note that. Fire awa'! 'An' if a cream cookie bursts 'Dae they burst whiles?

I don't think he'll come back again after the reception we've gi'ed 'em. As for the other, it's gone out o' its senses. Dash my buttons, if't ain't goin' to sink! Ha! I must hinder that. Quick, Will'm, shy me that piece o' sennit: we must secure him 'fore he gives clean up and goes to the bottom. Talk o' catching fish wi' hook an' line! Aha! This beats all your small fry.

Weft, and paid him wi' part of the very note that brocht on the ferly I hae just been relating. But his gude wull didna end here, for he insisted on takin' us a' Nosey amang the lave to the nearest public, where he gi'ed us a frien'ly glass, and we keepit tawking about monkeys, and what not, in a manner at ance edifying and amusing to hear. Blackwood's Magazine. No. "To marry!

MY DEAR FRIEND, I have begun to look upon myself as an old man. I never did before. I have felt so young, so much at least as I always have done, that I could n't fairly take in the idea. The giftie has n't been gi'ed me to see myself as others see me. Even yet, when they get up to offer me the great chair, I can't understand it.

Willie exploded. 'What for did ye get me to mak' sic a cod o' masel'? 'Cod o' yersel'? Me? 'Ay, you! gettin' me to send a caird to ma aunt! What for did ye dae it? Macgregor stared. 'But ye didna post it, he began. 'Ay, but I did. I gi'ed it to a man at the station. 'Oh! . . . Weel, ye'll just ha'e to send her anither. 'That'll no mak' me less o' a cod. 'What way?

He was stupid beyond all power of words to express; but at last came to a dim idea that he must get home. Then the young navvy left him, anxious about being late at his employment, and John Smith slowly felt his way to his own door. His wife, already up, opened it. "Thee varmint! thee never gi'ed I that shilling last night for the baker."

"'Twas nae muckle," said Hannah, and she added, for the truth was ever more to her than her father's wrath, "he gi'ed me saxpence for a fush." "Siller!" shrieked the Highlander. "Siller from a McWhinus!" Hannah handed him the sixpence. Oyster McOyster dashed it fiercely on the ground, then picking it up he dashed it with full force against the wall of the cottage.

"Bethankit, no!" exclaimed the woman, startled into a more natural tone. "Na, na, it's no sae bad as that. It's the mistress, my lord; she just fair flittit before my e'en. She just gi'ed a sab and was by wi' it. Eh, my bonny Miss Jeannie, that I mind sae weel!" And forth again upon that pouring tide of lamentation in which women of her class excel and over-abound.

I'm ane of three that hae been lang seeking you, and, as a token that ye're no deceived, I was bade to tell you that before parting from my lord he gi'ed you two pieces of gold out of his coffer in the chamber where he supped."

Shanet owed nobody a bodle, but she couldna pide to see honest folk and pretty shentlemen forced away to prison whether they would or no; and then, if Shanet was to lay her tangs ower ane of the ragamuffins' heads, it would be, maybe, that the law would gi'ed a hard name." One thing I have learned in life never to speak sense when nonsense will answer the purpose as well.

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