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Justin McCarthy, M. P. the brilliant historian, said that he was a liberal drinker of tea, and that he found it "of immense benefit in keeping off headache, my only malady." Harriet Martineau dearly loved her cup of tea. Geo. R. Sims says "Tea is my favorite tonic when I am tired or languid."

"Masons say that the order is founded on the Bible that is, unlearned Masons say so. Geo. Wingate Chase, in the Digest of Masonic Law, says: 'The Jews, the Turks, each reject either the New Testament or the Old or both, and yet we see no good reasons why they should not be made Masons. It is not founded on the Bible. If it were, it would not be Masonry; it would be something else.

See the History of Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. pp. 77-84. LAYARD, Discoveries, p. 112; GEO. SMITH, Assyrian Discoveries, p. 341. Construction. As might have been expected nothing that can be called a structure of dressed stone has been discovered in Chaldæa; in Assyria alone have some examples been found.

In case of my decease before said account is closed, the money on deposit will not belong to my estate, but to the Government of the United States. Witnesses: JNO. P. BIGELOW, E. W. BOWEN, GEO. L. WARREN. 41 LOMBARD ST., LONDON, ENGLAND, December 28, 1871. To JOHN P. BIGELOW, Chief of the Loan Division, Secretary's Office, Treasury Department, U. S. A.

There is a singular pleasure, too, in publishing what nobody thinks is yours. It is addressing the world not as Geo. Curtis, but as some distinguished messenger, the mystery of whom is a charm, if nothing more. Yet unfortunate me! I could never maintain the secret long. Is that from pride or because you cannot endure to see men go wrong, if you can help them?

Requests the Pleasure of your Company at a Lawn Fete and Dance to be held at the residence of her Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Lockwood, Saturday July 15, at 8 p. m. The envelope fluttered to the floor while the card was crushed between the girl's hands. For a moment her face was transfigured with delight, her eyes blank with rapturous visions of the joys of that promised night.

I can bake, and am also used to a dairy. My wages are $4 per week, and I can give good reference from my last place, in which I lived for two years. I am thirty-three years of age. I remain, Madam, Yours very respectfully, MARY MOONEY. Recommending a School Teacher. Ottawa, Ill., February 10th, 1894. Col. Geo. H. Haight, President Board of Trustees, etc.

George III.'s reign witnessed the introduction of changes long required, and frequently demanded in the mode and amounts of judicial payments. In 1779, puisne judges and barons received an additional £400 per annum, and the Chief Baron an increase of £500 a year. Twenty years later, Stat. 39, Geo.

Better, however, than generalizations as to the ethical ideals of Japan, past and present, are actual quotations from her moral teachers. The following passages are taken from "A Japanese Philosopher," by Dr. Geo. W. Knox, the larger part of the volume consisting of a translation of one of the works of Muro Kyuso who lived from 1658 to 1734.

Not all unavenged did they die, for with Lean Wolf fell Alf Mason, to disturb the Spanish Main no more; and among others who bit the dust were Geo. Scourie, Chas. Turley, and the Alsatian Foggerty. Turley fell to the tomahawk of the terrible Panther, who ultimately cut a way through the pirates with Tiger Lily and a small remnant of the tribe.