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Meredith, a number of valuable NEGROES. R.S. TODD, Sheriff of Fayette Co. And Curator for James and Elizabeth Breckenridge." "NEGROES TO HIRE. On Wednesday, the 26th inst. I will hire to the highest bidder, the NEGROES belonging to Charles and Robert Innes. GEO. W. WILLIAMS. Guardian." The following nine advertisements were published in one column of the "Winchester Virginian," Dec. 20, 1838.

I shall send you by Satds mail three despatches from Europe of recent date. Very truly yours, N. P. BANKS. M. G. C. HON. GEO. S. BOUTWELL. The death of General Sherman removed the last member of the triumvirate of soldiers who achieved the highest distinction in the Civil War.

Being very hard-mouthed, I thought he was liable to run away with me, and I did not know whether he would run in the opposite direction or after the Indians. The Lieutenant and Geo. Jones said that if he would only run after the Indians they would follow me up closely.

74 Captain, Commodore Horatio Nelson. Captain R.W. Miller. Goliath, Captain Charles Knowles. Excellent, Captain Cuthbert Collingwood. Orion, Captain Sir James Saumarez. Colossus, Captain Geo. Murray. Egmont, Captain John Sutton. Culloden, Captain Thomas Troubridge. Irresistible, Captain Geo. Martin. 64 Diadem, Captain Geo. H. Towny. 38 Minerve, Captain Geo. Cockburn.

About the later site of Fort Mohave, Capt. Geo. A. Johnston, January 23, 1858, in a stern wheel steamer, ferried the famous Beale camel expedition across the river. Settlements North of the Canyon Moccasin Springs, a few miles south of the Utah line and eighteen miles by road southwest of Kanab, has had no large population at any time, save that about 100 Indians were in the vicinity in 1900.

The exportation of the materials of manufacture, where it is not altogether prohibited, is, in many cases, subjected to considerable duties. By the 8th Geo. I. chap.15, the exportation of all goods, the produce of manufacture of Great Britain, upon which any duties had been imposed by former statutes, was rendered duty free.

His proposition was to endow the colleges at the expense of the fund for the support of the common schools. Failure was inevitable. Neither Webster nor Choate could have carried the bill. Very truly, GEO. S. BOUTWELL. No one could be more ready and willing to recognize his own failures than Motley.

I esteemed that team full as liable not to run away as it was to run away," concluded my foreman, evidently deeming this as good a warranty of gentleness in a horse as the most exacting could possibly require. From a lecture entitled "Clear Grit," published in "Modern Eloquence," Vol. IV, Geo. L. Shuman and Company, Chicago.

I had now enough to think of day and night; this one day brass clock was constantly on my mind; I was drawing plans and contriving how they could be made best. I traveled most of the way from Richmond by stage. Arriving at Augusta, Geo., I called on the Connecticut men who were finishing wood clocks for that market, and told Mr.

It seems to me that a century of splendor has been rushing by since I have been here. The persons who make Concord famous I have hardly seen. The consciousness of their presence is like the feeling of lofty mountains whom the night and thick forests hide. Of one of them, E. Hoar, I need to say nothing to you. One evening I sat with her and Waldo Emerson and Geo.