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Updated: August 25, 2024

I proceeded on about 2 miles to near the base of high Mountain where I found our Salt makers, and with them Sergt. Gass, Geo.

It is a very little reward to give them for their devotion and fearless exposure of their lives in their country's cause: E. J. McClernand, Lieutenant Colonel and Adjutant General, U. S. A., to be brevetted Colonel for gallantry in the face of the enemy on the 1st and 2d of July, and to be brevetted Brigadier General for faithful and meritorious service throughout the campaign. Geo.

III.; and a further departure from it has since taken place, into which I shall, with your Lordships' permission, examine presently, and compare that departure with those proposed by the late Government. From the accounts I have seen of the hereditary revenues enjoyed by Geo.

How very pleasant it is to be a vagabond, when one may return to starched linen and the trammels of civilization whenever one wishes! Our club was composed of six persons: Mondray H. Charles, Rory Theodoric, Jas. O'Kelly, Geo. H. Crege, H. H. Josephus and Geo. G. Paullo.

They were Capts. C. C. Rawn, Richard Comba, Geo. General Terry, speaking of this fight in his official report, says: "I think that no one can read this report from Colonel Gibbon without feelings of great admiration for him, for his officers, for his men, and for the citizen volunteers who fought with them; but with the admiration which their gallantry, resolution, and devotion excites, other feelings will mingle.

There was no way out of the geo by land, and Yaspard said, as the boat grounded, "This will be a splendid place for a prison." "Gracious! you're never going to leave me here?" exclaimed Gloy in a kind of comical dismay. "Yes, here! what could be better? It is a very nice place. I've spent many a happy hour in this geo reading and fishing. Now, don't be frightened.

On Dec. 9, 1910, she called her officers and a number of well known workers to a conference in Topeka and a plan of action was outlined. A room in the State Historical Department, which through the courtesy of Geo. W. Martin had been used as legislative headquarters in other years, was again retained with Mrs. Monroe as superintendent. Mrs. William A. Johnston, Mrs. Stubbs and Mrs.

In point of education and experience Cardozo was admitted to be entirely capable of filling the office of Superintendent of Education; but he was not well known outside of his own county, Warren. In fact his nomination was largely a concession to that strong Republican county. The three white men nominated, besides the candidate for Governor, were, W.H. Gibbs, for Auditor of Public Accounts; Geo.

From a speech in "Modern Eloquence," Vol. I, Geo. L. Shuman and Company, Chicago, publishers. Now, the attitude of men towards women is very different, according to the different nations to which they belong. You will find a good illustration of that different attitude of men toward women in France, in England, and in America, if you go to the dining-rooms of their hotels.

James O. Butler, vice-president; Mr. Jacob E. Meyer, secretary, and Mr. Geo. W. Bishop, treasurer. These gentlemen are always extremely kind to me and the appreciation I feel for the kindnesses shown me will be fully rewarded.

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