United States or Cabo Verde ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Instead of calling out the author as the book is named, provide each guest with pencil and paper and announce that as a book is named, each player must write down the author and the name of some character in that book. Examples: "The Taming of the Shrew" Wm. Shakespeare Petruchio. "Nicholas Nickleby" Chas. Dickens Mr. Squeers. "Ivanhoe" Sir Walter Scott Rebecca. Any number may play this game.

And they were popular, too, in their way, and Chas might easily have married some socially prominent girl with money, instead of bringing a nameless saleslady into the family. It was impossible for Carlisle not to contrast her aunt's flabby sentimentalism with her own and her mother's sane, brilliant ambitiousness.

"It's as good as big-game hunting any day, I think," his father answered; "and you don't have to travel for weeks out of civilization to find it. Well, now, we'll give you a chance to show how much of the angler you've got in you." The Bay and City of Avalon, Santa Catalina Islands, Cal., the most famous sport-fishing centre in the world. By permission of Mr. Chas. Fredk.

Well, come the first soon night you feel like it " Carlisle had been doing some considering also, her conscience pricking her on account of the cousinly duty, long overdue. "I've an engagement to-morrow so sorry," she said, rather hastily. "But how about one night early next week, say Thursday, if that would suit ?" Chas and Hen agreed that it would do perfectly. Pot-luck at seven.

DEAR CHAS: We got off in a great rush, as the Cunard people received orders to sail so soon after the Government had told them to cancel all passengers, that no one expected to leave by her, and had secured passage on the Lorraine and St. Paul. They gave me a "regal" suite which at other times costs $1,000 and it is so darned regal that I hate to leave it.

DANIEL WEBSTER, Chairman of the Committee on the part of the Senate. CHAS. M. CONRAD, Chairman of the Committee on the part of the House of Representatives. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 22. Washington, July 11, 1850.

They were great foragers, for their masters first, and next for their own and their master's friends. The officers at this time where Capt. Chas. L. Lumsden and Second Lt. A. C. Hargrove, Lt. H. H. Cribbs was at home sick and soon afterwards resigned. The weather was stormy, rains came in deluges and bridges between camp and Chickamauga station were washed away, cutting off our supplies.

Perhaps I shall just paddle around the fountain in the Place de la Concorde and make myself thoroughly at home. With a great deal of love to Dad and Nora and Chas and all.

He has made the most of a fancied resemblance to me, and in many delightful ways has indulged in pleasantries based on it. In my room hangs a framed photograph signed "Faithfully yours, Chas. A. Murdock." It is far better-looking than I ever was but that makes no difference. We were once at a conference at Seattle.

When I took my departure, after receiving overwhelming kindness and a cordial invitation to return when convenient, I held in my hand my first gold piece for the fund. The donors were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Moore, who have been my warm, interested, personal friends from that time to this.