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If you ain't out of this, I'll brain yer. I don't care for perlice nor anything. We ain't done nothing. If he did smash the gen'leman's head, we didn't do it; neither she nor me." "All the same, I think that Mrs. Burrows has been at Bullhampton," said the policeman. Not another word after this was said by Mrs. Burrows, junior, so called, and constable Toffy soon took his departure.

'I'm afraid some on 'em 'ave been telling lies about me, and I didn't think I'd got a enemy in the world. Come on, Joseph. Come on, old pal. We ain't wanted here. "He shook 'is 'ead with sorrow, and made a little sucking noise between 'is teeth, and afore you could wink, his dog 'ad laid hold of the old gen'leman's leg and kep' quiet waiting orders. "'Help! screams Mr. Bunnett. 'Call, 'im off!

'I know which side my bread's buttered. I know when a gen'leman's a gen'leman. Mr. Powl can go to Putney with his one! Beg your pardon, Mr. Anne, for being so familiar, said he, blushing suddenly scarlet. 'I was especially warned against it by Mr. Powl. 'Discipline before all, said I. 'Follow your front-rank man. With that, we began to turn our attention to the clothes.

Well, you may tell him the bargain's hoff, and if he wants his money, it's a waitin' of him round the corner. James. You little blackguard! Do you suppose a gen'leman's a goin' to deliver sich a message as that! Be off, you himp! How d'e do, Clumsy? Don't touch me; I ain't nice. Why, what was you made for, Parrot? Is them calves your own rearin' now? Is that a quid or a fardin?

Preston was mortified to think this should be said to her before Godfrey's schoolmate. "He does not know what he is saying," she said, apologetically. "Yes, I do," persisted Godfrey. "I'm a a gen'leman's son. I don't want you to interfere with gen'leman's son." He was put to bed, and awoke the next morning with a splitting headache. It was the morning of the day which the doctor and Mr.

"Gen'leman's parole's all I ask." But Mr. Archer was proof against these blandishments, and said farewell gravely enough to Lord Windermoor, shaking his hand and at the same time bowing very low. "You will never know," says he, "the service you have done me."

"This afternoon a gen'leman comes arfter rooms, and I sent him to the orfice; one of the clurks, 'e goes round with 'im an' shows 'im the empties, an' the gen'leman's partic'ly struck on the set the coppers is up in now. So he sends the clurk to fetch the manager, as there was one or two things he wished to speak about; an' when they come back, blowed if the gent isn't gone!

'I'm afraid some on 'em 'ave been telling lies about me, and I didn't think I'd got a enemy in the world. Come on, Joseph. Come on, old pal. We ain't wanted here. "He shook 'is 'ead with sorrow, and made a little sucking noise between 'is teeth, and afore you could wink, his dog 'ad laid hold of the old gen'leman's leg and kep' quiet waiting orders. "'Help! screams Mr. Bunnett. 'Call, 'im off!

He brought money, which was accepted without much thanks; but his mother treated him almost as a stranger, and the dour James, while not unwilling to draw out his account of himself, would look him up and down from under his bushy grey eyebrows, and often interpose with some sarcasm on his 'foine' ways of speaking, or his 'gen'leman's cloos. Sandy was ill at ease.

It's 'orse-nobbling; that's what it is. Is there any police here, sir?" This he said, turning round to a farmer. The farmer didn't deign any reply. "Perhaps you'll tell me your name, sir? if you've got a name. No gen'leman ever took a gen'leman's 'orse off the rail like that." "Oh, Frank, do come away," said Lizzie, who was standing by. "We shall be all right in two minutes," said Frank.