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'Gen'leman's parole's all I ask. But Mr. Archer was proof against these blandishments, and said farewell gravely enough to Lord Windermoor, shaking his hand and at the same time bowing very low.

Come," continued Aby, "that was put in quite as much for your good as it was for mine." But not a word came from the baronet. "Then I shan't stir," said Aby, again seating himself. "Then I shall have the servants in," said Herbert, "and a magistrate who is in the hall," and he put his hand towards the handle of the bell. "Well, as the old gen'leman's hill, I'll go now and come again.

"I know which side my bread's buttered. I know when a gen'leman's a gen'leman. Mr. Powl can go to Putney with his one! Beg your pardon, Mr. Anne, for being so familiar," said he, blushing suddenly scarlet. "I was especially warned against it by Mr. Powl." "Discipline before all," said I. "Follow your front-rank man."

That's the only proper sort o' dignity a gen'leman's son need ever be partic'ler about, to make people recognise him for what he is; and, with this feeling and eddication, you'll take your proper place in the world, never fear! Now, what do you think about doing, my lad? for the day is getting on, and it's time to see after something." "I'm sure I don't know," I replied.

I did very well bought at L7 2s. 3d. and sold at L6 19s. 10 1/2d., and got my seven per cent, for the four months. But, Lord love you, them clean takes never lasts. I worn't going to hang on. Here's your health, Mr. Scott. Yours, Mr. , I didn't just catch the gen'leman's name; and without waiting for further information on the point, he finished his brandy-and- water.

Sometimes he even dropped in and made brief visits of respectful congratulation. "But," he said privately to his young master, "de air ob de atmosphere, it's jest full of dem young lawyers an' doctors. Dar don't seem to be nothin' else for a gen'leman's sons to do but to kyore people or go to law for 'em. Of cose dey oughtn't ter hab ter work, gen'lemen oughtn'ter.

Tom!" he called, "yo' take the gen'leman's horse to the stable, rub him down with a wisp, an' give him some hay. In half an hour water him, an' give him a feed o' oats." "I'm obliged to you," said Hamilton, "for taking all this trouble, but perhaps I had better explain who I am." "That's jes' as yo' like, sah."