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Bravely she walked up to the chest, and proved herself by trying the lid to see if the chest were unlocked. It was. Gaston had not even taken that precaution. Joyce smiled all was now safe with her. She would never feel tempted again. It became a comfort to sit near the chest. She deserted the living room and made a huge fire upon Gaston's hearth.

But while I was speaking I caught the gleam of the sun upon the canal, under the windows, and suddenly the day became inexpressibly beautiful; so I think, Babache, that my day and Gaston's will yet be sunshiny." With this Francezka's face grew almost gay, but it was a lightning flash; it was not the steady and cheerful hope I had seen in her eyes when she told me first of her marriage.

"I I believe it's a thundering lie," he added as an after-thought, and as a cover to his retreat. "It's no lie." Joyce had regained her calmness. She was panting, but she had reached safety and she knew it. An unlovely, unhallowed safety, but such as it was it was her salvation and Gaston's. When she had stolen to him the night before it was her last ignorant impulse to gain her own ends.

I thought maybe you'd like to bid Jude an affectionate farewell before he skipped. If he owes you anything, here's your chance!" Another knock shook the door. The two inside looked at each other man and woman! They both knew with what they had to deal. A dare-devil expression rose to Gaston's face. He tossed precaution to the winds.

But all had gone so well, if not with absolute smoothness, and with some strangeness, that Gaston had become an integral part of their life, and they had ceased to look for anything sensational. This ball was to be the seal of their approval. It had been mentioned in 'Truth' with that freshness and point all its own. What character than Gaston's could more appeal to his naive imagination?

In fact, she said that Miss Guile would be up soon, and soon is a word that has a double meaning when applied to the movements of capricious womanhood. It may mean ten minutes and it may mean an hour and a half. Mrs. Gaston's severely critical eyes were no longer severe, albeit they were critical.

"It's the way the wind blows," she explained. "Easily remedied," said he. "I'll move into Mrs. Gaston's chair if you think it will help any." "Do!" she said promptly. "You will not disturb me in the least, unless you talk." She resumed her reading, half a page above the finger tip. He moved over and arranged himself comfortably, snugly in Mrs. Gaston's chair. Their elbows almost met.

It was near two o'clock in the morning when they parted in the corridor upon which my chamber opened, and I heard Gaston's clear voice saying: "Brother, you have chosen another country than I; we can no longer say Un Foy, Un Loy, Un Roy, but we need not be any the less brothers." "True," replied Regnard.

At the first he seemed as if he would have told your father all the story likewise, and have had us owned before the world. But either Gaston's reluctance to proclaim ourselves before we had won our way to fortune, or else his own uncertainty as to how your father would take the news, held him silent; and he said we were perchance right and wise to keep our secret.

Yet, when taken, each had been found to have a considerable sum of money about him. "We can't make either of the fellows talk, but maybe they will later, when we begin to employ some of the third degree on them," whispered Mr. Trotter to Jack. "My boy, I think you've put us on the real trail. If the jailer identifies them as Gaston's callers of yesterday, we'll know where we stand."