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Updated: September 17, 2024

He would not be stopped, although I rose and put up my hand, and turned my back. But at last, I said to him: "'And your brother, Monsieur? for, of course, Regnard knew that Gaston loved me. When I said this, I turned my eyes full upon him, because I wished to intimidate him.

There is something to frighten one about Regnard Cheverny, he is so cool, so quiet, so debonair when seeking his own will; not light of heart like Gaston, nor full of sudden fury, nor impatiently renouncing what does not please him but Regnard pursues his object steadily, like Fate.

He was handsomer than his brother, being more matured, and there were a thousand subtile differences between them; but it all came down to this Gaston Cheverny was to be loved Regnard Cheverny was not. Presently, supper was announced. It was there, around the table, that wit sparkled. Mademoiselle Lecouvreur sat at the head, with Count Saxe on one hand and Monsieur Voltaire on the other.

"What has your brother to say to your going with us?" "He tried to dissuade me from going. I tried to persuade him into going. Regnard has more of that beggarly virtue of prudence than I. But, Babache, here is the devil to pay; my brother fell desperately in love with Mademoiselle Capello at first sight." "That is nothing," said I, unfeelingly.

A considerable time elapsed after the death of Moliere before the appearance of Regnard, to whom in France the second place in Comedy is usually assigned.

We sang at table, according to the French custom, and Gaston Cheverny, who was easily master of us all in that craft, sang a song of the Cardinal de Rohan and sang it with meaning in his voice a meaning which brought deep blushes to Francezka's cheek, a scowl to Regnard Cheverny's face, and smiles to the rest of us.

I loved him for his foolhardiness, his presumption, in fighting me; I loved him because he loved fighting; I loved him because he could laugh in the face of death in short, it was one of those strange kinships of the soul which make one man feel of another, the first time he sees him "We are brothers." And in the same way, I misliked Regnard Cheverny.

I was not prepared for this question of Gaston Cheverny's; it confused me, and I showed it. "I see," he said, after a moment. "Regnard has been pursuing Francezka. But, no doubt, she has told him, as she was quite at liberty to do, of our marriage. It is only the public knowledge of it that would place her in jeopardy. Well, the secret is safe enough with Regnard. He is deeply chagrined.

"You remember, Babache, that Regnard paid me great court the year of my marriage, when he knew nothing of it. I think the most painful interview of my whole life was when I was forced to tell Regnard that I was his brother's wife; and most painful it must forever be to Regnard. Well, I thought it my duty to tell Gaston about it and and " She hesitated and then went on, her face coloring warmly.

Francezka did not find out her mistake until the candles were again alight, and then, instead of laughing, was strangely vexed and offended at the pleasantry played upon her. Regnard Cheverny, as well as Gaston, was fond of books, and on that ground he could hold his own with Francezka.

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