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Not only Ruth's confession as to Joyce, but Ruth herself must enter into Gaston's future plan of action. "You know, Drew, who went to my house?" "Yes; I know that Joyce had a visitor who might have influenced her to take this step; but I have reason to believe that Joyce did not act upon this other's initiative entirely. She had certain knowledge of her own that urged the course she has taken."

Many a sentence of Gaston's had she finished when his words became entangled through confusion; it was but a fair return for him to conclude this one of hers, though perhaps he did so in a manner that added to her embarrassment. Bertha recovered herself, and shook back her curls as though they were in fault. Then looking up archly in Gaston's face she said,

His next impulse was to rush to Gaston's shack; his second thought restrained him. If Gaston had returned, he would rightfully resent any outside interference with this crucial time of his life. If Joyce were decided in the course she had laid out for herself how dared he, how could he, divert her from it without involving them all in a deeper perplexity?

Nothing but her love for Valentine gave her strength to resist a constant temptation to confess everything. But to-day the sight of Louis decided her to relieve her mind. She thought there could be no danger in confiding in Gaston's brother. Alas for woman's tongue! The sale was finally concluded.

This is one of the mysterious and unexplored places in Gaston's nature since his return, that gives me the strangest, the most terrifying sense of unfamiliarity with him and he, the tenderest, the most devoted husband a man I should admire even if I did not love him."

He was thinking of that afternoon in Gaston's bedroom, when his grandson had acted, before Lady Dargan and Cluny Vosse, Sir Gaston's scene with Buckingham. "Really, most mysterious, most unaccountable. But it's one of the virtues of having a descent. When it is most needed, it counts, it counts." "Against the half-breed mother!" Lady Belward added. "Quite so, against the was it Cree or Blackfoot?

Then came Gaston's decision he would come back not to live the thing down, but to hold his place as long as he could: to fight. Lord Faramond shrugged a shoulder. "Without her?" "I cannot say that." "With her, I can promise nothing nothing. You cannot fight it so. No one man is stronger than massed opinion. It is merely a matter of pressure. No, no; I can promise nothing in that case."

Again the fair head bent above the coarse sewing in the trembling hands. She had seen the light in the chinks of Gaston's shutter. She had felt his nearness, but rigid aloofness. The memory of these things had tortured her and left their trace in worn-out nerves and hurt pride. She felt that she hated Gaston and in revolt her thought now clung to Jude. She forgot her father. "Joyce!"

Gaston would not travel incognito, and the news must have flown in advance of him. Count Saxe, lying back in his corner of the chaise, talked of Gaston, of his manliness, his courage, his charm; and of Francezka, whom he could not praise enough. I saw that a cloud had passed from his life with Gaston's return.

All at once Billy's childhood rose supreme over his recently gained moral viewpoint. Ever since he and the other St. Angé children had spied upon Gaston as a stranger, Gaston's possessions had filled their souls with curious wonder. Maggie was responsible for the story about a certain chest. "It's as big" here Maggie had stretched truth to the snapping point "as this!