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Updated: August 20, 2024

"I shall make it a point to observe that," she said as she left us. "I hope I'll have something to tell you when I come back." "Walter," remarked Craig as the door closed, "that is one of the gamest girls I ever knew." I looked across at him inquiringly. "Don't worry, my boy," he added, reading my expression. "She's not of the marrying kind, any more than I am."

The man had been gagged so long it was some minutes before he could relate his sad tale. One of the men said to him: "Who served you out, Jim?" When the man found voice he answered: "The devil or one of his imps." "Hello! did you see the ghost" "What ghost?" "The ghost of Ballard." "I don't know anything about the ghost of Ballard, but I had a rough scrimmage with the gamest man I ever tackled."

She's the gamest kid I ever met and pretty as they grow. Just think of her pulling off this getaway to-night. It was a man-size job, and that little girl never turned a hair from start to finish. And loyal! By Gad! Hal Rutherford hasn't earned fidelity like that, even if he has been father and mother to her since she was a year old.

"Of course I'll want to come back for the wedding if you send me an invitation. I think a good deal of the prince consort, you know. He's one man from the ground up." "Yes?" "He's the only man I know that's good enough for you. The more I see of him the better I like him. He's sure the gamest ever, a straight-up man if ever there was one." "I'm glad of that."

I ain't knockin' that hunter there was no canary in him, but I think a game thoroughbred's the gamest hoss that lives! "Ole Rainbow is a straight line from his nose to his tail. His ears is flat 'n' his mouth's half open fur air. Every jump he takes looks thirty feet long 'n' he's gettin' to the black hoss fast. I'm watchin' the distance to go 'n' all of a sudden I furgets where I am .

The cigarette lighted, she burned at least a third of its length in one vast inhalation, which presently caused twin jets of smoke to issue from the rather widely separated corners of a generous mouth. Upon which she remarked that old Safety First Timmins was a game winner, about the gamest winner she'd ever lost to. Three other mighty inhalations and the cigarette was done.

One of the gamest buyers I know of was the late John A. Rice of Chicago. As a competitor at the great auction sales he was invincible; and why? Because, having determined to buy a book, he put no limit to the amount of his bid. His instructions to his agent were in these words: "I must have those books, no matter what they cost."

Curly's senses had never been more alert. He noticed that Buck had on a red necktie that had got loose from his shirt and climbed up his neck. It had black polka dots and was badly frayed. Sweeney was chewing tobacco. He would have that chew in his mouth after they had finished what they were going to do. "Ain't he the gamest ever?" someone whispered.

Instead, this girl with the calm, reposeful face struck a note almost painfully different from her surroundings, suggesting countless pleasant things that had been strange to him for the past few years. Pure admiration alone was patent in the older man's gaze. "I make oration," said he, "that you're the gamest little chap I ever fought over, Mexikin, Injun, or white. What's the trouble?"

If you are the same Tom Slade, then congratulations to you for getting home safely, and I will promise my scouts that they will have the chance this summer of meeting the gamest boy on the west front. I suppose you will be up at the camp yourself. Send me a line and let me know if you're the young fellow whose arm I bandaged up. I'm thinking the world isn't so big after all.

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