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Gracious king! if I'd known that I'd have had Lute out a fortni't sooner." Jed made no reply to this. He was still staring at the lady. "But but " he faltered, "did you have you " He stopped in the middle of a word. Ruth was standing behind the captain and he saw the frightened look in her eyes and the swift movement of her finger to her lips. "Oh, yes," she said. "I I have.

'Twas past nine afore dinner was done, an' she got up from her end o' the table an' walked across to kiss th' ould fellow. He, 'pon his side, smiled on her, pleased as Punch; for 'twas little inore'n a fortni't since he'd discovered she was the yapple of his eye. She said 'Good night' an' went up-stairs to pack a few things in a bag, he openin' the door and shuttin' it upon her.

"Don't bother me now, Daniel. I don't want to be bothered with common every-day things now; I want to think." "Common! Everyday! My soul and body! if what that pirate charged me was everyday, I'd be in the poorhouse in a fortni't. Why " "Oh, don't! Please don't! Can't you see I am trying to realize that it's true and not a dream. That it has really happened to ME. Please don't talk.

Keziah suggested that it must be mighty funny to make him laugh in the middle of sermon writing. "I've heard sermons that were funny," she said, "though they wasn't intended to be; but what I've heard of yours ain't that kind. I wish you'd let me in on the joke. I haven't been feelin' like laughin' for the last fortni't." She had been rather grave and preoccupied, for her, of late.

But a body can guess, can't they, even if they ain't got proof, and that's what I'm doin' guessin'. Every once in a while Miss Martha goes up to the village to see this Pulcifer thing, don't she? Yes, she does. Went up twice inside of a fortni't that I know of. Does she go 'cause she likes him? I cal'late she don't.

I'm going a long way to Windsor." "What! Arter some service, or what?" "Going to my brother he's a soldier there." "Well, I'm going no furder nor Leicester and fur enough too but I'll take you, if you dooant mind being a bit long on the road. Th' hosses wooant feel YOUR weight no more nor they feel the little doog there, as I puck up on the road a fortni't agoo.

Now, be right down honest; wouldn't you like to have a couple of years, say, at a school like that, if you could have 'em just as well as not? Didn't you say not more'n a fortni't ago that you was glad Irene Mullet was goin' to have such a chance to improve herself?" Mary-'Gusta had said that very thing; she could not truthfully deny it. "Of course I did," she answered. "And I am glad.

"What you doin' with that?" demanded Mr. Chase, who was leaning against the door-post looking out into the yard. "I was goin' to fill it," said the child. "There wasn't any water to wash with." Isaiah sniffed. "I ain't had no time to fill wash pitchers," he declared. "That one's been on my mind for more'n a fortni't but I've had other things to do. You can wash yourself in that basin in the sink.

He told us that Montague belonged to the Uncle Tom's Cabin Company, and that he'd disappeared a fortni't or so afore, when they were playing at Hyannis. Eva was his wife, and the child was their little boy. The bloodhounds knew him, and that's why they chased him so. "What was you two yelling 'Stop thief! after him for?" says he. "Has he stole anything?" We says "No."

The minister remained where he was. "Are you sure " he faltered. "Sure! Blast it all! I found the log. It ain't been kept for a fortni't, but there's enough. It's smallpox, I tell you. Two men died of it three weeks ago. The skipper died right afterwards. The mate No wonder them that was left run away as soon as they sighted land. Come on! Do you want to die, too?"