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If we review this general state of the Imperial forces; of the cavalry as well as infantry; of the legions, the auxiliaries, the guards, and the navy; the most liberal computation will not allow us to fix the entire establishment by sea and by land at more than four hundred and fifty thousand men: a military power, which, however formidable it may seem, was equalled by a monarch of the last century, whose kingdom was confined within a single province of the Roman empire.

I want to talk about it, that's all." Rupert, his elbows on the table, nodded and stared rather gloomily into his coffee-cup. "I suppose it'll take about a year to fix it up. Anything with a lawyer in it does." Mordaunt watched him through his cigarette smoke for a few seconds in silence, until in fact with a slight movement of impatience Rupert turned.

See ye no strangers; rather see all men as friends, for love and unity come hard when ye fix your gaze on otherness. And in this new and wondrous age, the Holy Writings say that we must be at one with every people; that we must see neither harshness nor injustice, neither malevolence, nor hostility, nor hate, but rather turn our eyes toward the heaven of ancient glory.

"The number of times we can have butter each week and how much milk each of us can drink, and the number of potatoes the cook shall fix," put in the boy called Tony. "Don't you have butter every day!" cried Peace in shocked surprise. "Well, I guess not! We have it Sunday noons and sometimes holiday nights."

All around lay fragments of pottery, lance- and arrow-heads, and combs of reindeer horn, the date of which it is impossible to fix exactly. In America, stone fish-hooks are rare. The most ancient are of bone, and resemble those now in use. The greater number of them are polished, and some of them have near the top a hole by which they could be fastened to a line or cord.

But I had no chance; I've only just heard that some old county board is tryin' to fix a bridge, an' they're movin' about as rapid as a spavined mule with three broken legs." "Well?" queried Merritt; "I suppose you want us to help you over that spot." "That's it, pard," said the foreman; "an' I'll do as much for you some time."

Whenever they had a tea meeting which was on an average about twice a week there were the trestle tables to fix up, the chairs to arrange, the table to set out, and then, supervised by Miss Didlum or some other lady, the tea to make.

"Those 5.9 of brother Fritz's are not very kind to one; we had better stay for a few minutes; he may catch us crossing the field." Ten minutes went by; things were a bit quieter, so, hastily packing up, we doubled back to the road. "I never did like getting near forward gun position," I said, "but, curiously enough, my best view-points compel me on many occasions to fix up in their vicinity."

"To-morrow we had better fix up another tent or two, to stow away all the articles we have brought on shore: that will be one good day's work; we shall then know where to lay our hands upon everything, and see what we want." "That's very true; and what shall we do then?" "Why then, sir, I think we must make a little expedition to explore the island, and find out where we must build our house."

"Change it to: 'The fragrance there is lying under the rust. That'll fix it all right, Louise." "It doesn't seem right, even then," remarked Uncle John. "If the fragrance lies under the rust, it can't be smelt, can it?" "I did not anticipate all this criticism," said Louise, with an air of injured dignity.