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A lady I was figurin' on acceptin' a invite to dinner with, once, one of them rich kind that always wants to get their money's worth out of anything they do for a poor guy, happened to come out on the back steps where I was holdin' kind of a coroner's request over a lettuce san'wich.

"Hit's de green rubbin' off," she assured him sympathetically. "De same ones dat laugh at you now will be takin' off dey hats to you some day." "Oh, it ain't the guyin' I mind," said Sandy; "it's me wooden head. Them little shavers that can't see a hole in a ladder can beat me figurin'." "You jus' keep on axin' questions," advised Aunt Melvy. "Dat's what I always tole Rachael.

It wa'n't just her leavin' us. But when I heard she had took up with Sears, and knowin' what he was I just quit. I was workin' down here at the ranch, then. I went up North, figurin' to kill him. Folks thought I was yellow, for not killin' him. They think so right now. Mebby I am. "I worked up North a spell, but I couldn't stay. So I lit out and come down South again.

"Hetty," she said irritably, "if you're standin' at the window there, figurin' out where Mr. Craig's money is likely to be buried, you can stop it this minute and clean the lamps. Your father's out pulling up the floor-boards in the barn and Mr. O'Neill's digging up the lilac bush for the third time. And that's enough. It beats me how Mr.

'But, personally, I've reached that degree of excellence where I can't play the game just for the sake of the technique of it any more. It's a quarter to nine, says I, 'and in just fifteen minutes you get your gill of Three Star. Now, how much how much, figurin' on the present state of supply and demand would you reckon that drink appeals to you, in dollars and cents, U. S. A.?"

I was alwus figurin' that some day I'd have a silver tobacco box, an' I sometimes think the reason it seemed so extrav'gant, an' I put it off so long, was because I wanted it so much. Now I s'pose you couldn't understand that, could ye?" "Yes," said John, nodding his head thoughtfully, "I think I can understand it perfectly," and indeed it spoke pages of David's biography.

"If we're figurin' on hittin' the Rancho Seco before night we'll have to quit our gassin' an' do some travelin'," he advised. "Accordin' to the figures we've got about forty miles to ride, altogether. We've come about fifteen an'," he looked at a silver watch which he drew from a pocket, "it's pretty near two now."

"Here's where C.N. Morse & Company turns over a leaf, son. No more business gambles. Legitimate trade only. That the idee you're figurin' on makin' me live up to?" "Suits me if it does you," Tom answered cheerfully, "But where do I come in? What's my job in the firm? You'll notice I haven't said 'Thanks' yet." "You?" C.N. gave him a sly, dry smile.

But before he had gone very far he came to an abrupt halt, and pointed. "The far side of that clump of sage grass," he indicated. "I'm figurin' as the man that shot her stood about here. She was runnin' towards him. His bullet went in at her chest." "Scout around an' see if you c'n find any footprints," said Kiddie, going forward to examine the dead hound.

You see, we'd been figurin' on some big reconstruction contracts with the Belgian government, and while I hadn't heard how far the deal had gone, there was a chance that this might be an agent from the royal commission. "If it is," says I, "we can't afford to treat him rough. Let's see, the Hon. Matt.