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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Wal, pretty soon in come two more fellars, an' I knowed both of them. You know them, too, I'm sorry to say. Fer I'm comin' to facts now thet will shake you. The first fellar was your father's Mexican foreman, Lorenzo, and the other was Simm Bruce. I reckon Bruce wasn't drunk, but he'd sure been lookin' on red licker.

They had appeared curious and wary, then had moved out of sight over the ridges in the center of the great oval. The night that they finished, with two weeks of unremitting toil in dust and heat behind them, was one for explosive satisfaction. "Fellars, my pard Panhandle is one to tie to," declared Blinky, "but excoose me from ridin' any range where he was foreman."

If you can find a good long 'contact' of country rocks you ain't far from it. There's a couple of fellars from Redlands has located four claims around Gold Gulch. They got a vein eighteen inches wide, an' Peters says you can trace it for more'n a thousand feet. Were you thinking of prospecting over there?" "Well, well, I don' know, I don' know."

Wal, I b'lieve the guverment is right, and at the nixt 'lection I'll remember every word you've said. I allus thought they was the squarest fellars we've ever had yet them fellars that got out this ere policy." "The National Policy; Mr. Spriggins," ventured Marguerite, smilingly. "People may talk to the contrary but it has done much to improve matters.

You kin bet those fellars know whar, an' thet's whut they 're aimin' for, unless this yere Dupont has some hidin' out scheme of his own. Whar did you say he ranched?" "Buffalo Creek." "Thet's the same neighborhood; must've been in cahoots with those red devils to have ever run cattle in thar.

Both men came near the fire, into the light, within ten feet of where the leader lay. "Fellars you ain't slopin'?" he whispered, in husky amaze. "Boss, we air thet same. We can't do you no good an' this hole ain't healthy," replied Moze. Shady Jones swung himself astride his horse, all about him sharp, eager, strung.

"He shot up Stanton's hall, an' a bullet from some of thim wot was foightin' him must hev hit her." "Mebbe. But it wor bad bizness. That cowboy hit iviry wan of thim fellars in the same place. Shure, they niver blinked afther."

That's enough. Will you help us? We are men of your own race, and we come to you for help. Can you withhold it?" "I won't hev nuthin' to do with this bizness. The chiefs hev condemned the village, an' it'll hev to go. If you fellars hed been careful, no white blood would hev been spilled. I advise you all to lay low till it's over."

"Wall, boys, you have got me at it, and I had just as leave bet it all; but I know you fellars with the store clothes on haint got that much; and I knows you darnt bet a dollar if you did, the old woman would broomstick yer." My friend could not stand this sort of racket any longer, for I kept telling him to just lay up his money, and take it and put it in his pocket.

An' mine 'll take ridin' after them squalls," replied the leader. "We've got packs, too. An' hell 'ain't nothin' on this place fer bein' dark." "No matter. Let's go. I'll walk an' lead the way," said Moze, eagerly. "I got sharp eyes. You fellars can ride an' carry a pack. We'll git out of here an' come back in daylight fer the rest of the outfit."

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