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This man Borkins engaged both the lad Dollops and myself as new hands for the factory. We therefore had every opportunity of looking into the matter personally." "Gawdamercy! I never did!" ejaculated Borkins, at this juncture, his face the colour of newly-baked bread. "You're a liar that's what you are! A drorin' an innocent man into the beastly affair. I never engaged the likes of you!"

Can't do without you, you know." "Orlways, sir orlways," breathed Dollops, in a husky whisper. "Where you goes, I'm a-hikin' along by yer side. You ain't ever going ter get rid of me." "Good lad!" and they redoubled their pace. Thursday dawned in a blaze of sunshine, and after the bleak promise of the day before the sky was a clear, sapphire-blue. "What a day!

Make certain she's at 'The Twisted Arm, waiting, first, for the coming of Clodoche, and, second, for the arrival of this precious 'Merode' with the remaining half of the document. I've sent Dollops there to carry out his part of the programme, and when once I get the password Margot requires before she will hand over the paper, the game will be in my hands entirely.

"Like as not that's what's happened," he told himself, stuffing his thumbs into his policeman's belt and setting his feet apart. "But what gets over me is, not a sight 'ave I seen of young Dollops. And where Mr. Cleek is.... Well, that there young feller is bound to be, too. Case is drawin' to a close, I reckon, by this time. I wouldn't be in that young lord's shoes!"

But that's as far as it goes. At any rate, they'll keep you interested until we come home again. By the way, you might drop a hint to Borkins that I shall be writing some letters in my room to-night, and don't want to be disturbed, and that if he wants to go out, Dollops will post them for me and see to my wants; will you? I don't want him to 'suspicion' anything." Mr. Narkom nodded.

I'm going to call up Dollops and do a little night prowling. If it turns out as I hope, this little riddle will be solved to-morrow." "But how, Mr. Cleek? It seems to me that it is as dark as ever. You put my poor old head in a whirl. You say there is swindling; you hint one moment that the body was not that of Ulchester, and in the next that murder has been done.

"Heavens, guv'ner!" began Dollops in a voice of appalling despair; but before he could get beyond that, Cleek's coat was off, Cleek's body had described a sort of semi-circle, and the child was no longer alone in the whirlpool!

One of the servants 'ere and a rude, unmannerly London creetur 'e was too! disappeared a while ago, goin' out across the Fens after night-time when 'e was warned not to. Never seen a sight of 'im since though I'm not mournin' any, as you kin see!" "Go on!" Dollops' voice expressed incredulity, amazement, and an awed interest that rather flattered the butler.

Narkom " he turned to the superintendent "keep an eye on Dollops for me, will you? There are reasons why I can't take him can't take anybody with me in the working out of this case. I may be a couple of days or I may be a week I can't say as yet; but I start with Count Irma for Mauravania in the morning. And, Mr. Narkom!" "Yes, old chap?" "Do me a favour, please.

The big old grandfather clock at the top of the stairs pointed ten minutes past two, and the house was hushed of every sound save that which is the evidence of deep sleep, when the door of Cleek's room swung quietly open, and Cleek himself, in dressing-gown and wadded bedroom slippers, stepped out into the dark hall, and, leaving Dollops on guard, passed like a shadow over the thick, unsounding carpet.