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I'm going to call up Dollops and do a little night prowling. If it turns out as I hope, this little riddle will be solved to-morrow." "But how, Mr. Cleek? It seems to me that it is as dark as ever. You put my poor old head in a whirl. You say there is swindling; you hint one moment that the body was not that of Ulchester, and in the next that murder has been done.

Cleek looked at him out of the corner of his eye moved in spite of himself hesitated a moment and then, obeying an impulse, leaned over and gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Dollops, shake hands," he said. "Sir!" "Shake hands." "Gawd, Gov'nor! You don't never mean that, sir?" "Shake hands," said Cleek for the third time.

By this time he had concluded the alteration in his toilet which was necessary to assure his entrance into the hotel without occasioning comment; and as Dollops had followed suit they readily passed muster, when they alighted, for an ordinary English gentleman accompanied by an ordinary English manservant.

"Gad!... Where did you find it?" "Here, sir; half buried, but with the 'ead a-stickin' out!" returned Petrie. "Dollops and I pulled it out and and 'ere it is." Cleek glanced down at the body of a heavily built man, clad in evening clothes, and already in an advanced state of decomposition. "Looks like it was that chap Wynne," he said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "Answers the description all right.

Better nip along now." "Yessir." "And Dollops" he beckoned him back and bent his head to the lad's ear, speaking in a voice that none heard but the one it was intended for "keep a sharp look-out. I had a narrow escape last night. Someone tried to stab me in bed but he got my pillow instead " "Gawdamercy, Guv'nor! "Ssh. And there's no need to worry. I'm still here, you see.

Under such a condition Neptune makes playthings which possibly in some future age may puzzle men who happen to ponder seriously on first causes. I recall an afternoon when such playthings were being manufactured abundantly. Globular, oval, and sausage-shaped dollops of dark-grey mud were twirling and rolling on the fringe of listless wavelets.

We'll find the hangman's rope at the end of this riddle, Dollops, or I'm very much mistaken; and I've an uncomfortable idea as to who will swing in the noose." For some time after that they pressed on in silence. Here and there along the passage the walls opened out suddenly into little cut-out places filled as ever with their built-up sacks.

Outside in the dim halls of the house a sudden noise had sprung into being, the noise of someone running upstairs in great haste, and, stepping quickly to the door, Cleek drew it sharply open. As he did so, Dollops came puffing up out of the lower gloom, a sheep's trotter in one hand, and a letter in the other.

I'd give something to have a few moments alone with your friend Black Whiskers! There's a ripped pillow-case in my portmanteau which ought to interest him. And what else did you learn, Dollops?" "Only that what they ships is electric tubin's ter perfect flexible electric wirin's wot is used for installations, sir," returned Dollops.

"We're a-comin', miss, you gamble on that and the lightnin's a fool to us!" shouted Dollops in reply. "Let her have it, guv'ner! Bust the bloomin' tank. Give her her head; give her her feet; give her her blessed merry-thought if she wants it! Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" And then, just then, when she most needed her strength and her courage, Ailsa's evaporated.