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Lou Garou continued: "Ruddy says: 'Hans dassen't not cash it. He's scared of me, the pot-bellied old fool." The stout German blinked behind his horn spectacles. He feared neither God nor man, but he was very patient. He made no remark. "'If Hans won't, says Ruddy, 'Stewart sure will!" The foreman of the jury rose like a spring slowly uncoiling. He looked like a snake ready to strike.

Cappy commenced to chuckle softly. "In-fer-nal rascal!" he declared. "He had me where the hair is short, Matt; he had me where I dassen't defy my own general manager! Yes, sir, that was the long and short of it. I dassen't call his bluff, because he doesn't bluff worth a cent, and I happen to know some of my competitors would like to get him away from me.

"I seen a doctor this morning and he says I am full from rheumatism. I dassen't do nothing, Mawruss, I dassen't touch coffee or schnapps. I dassen't eat no meat but lamb chops and chicken." "I tasted worser things already as lamb chops and chicken, Abe," Morris retorted.

"No, I ain't drinking much between campaigns. Did you know I was going to run for the Illinois house? Yes, that's nearer to my size than a whole congressional district. I'm in for it. But that's not now. My mind is over there, on the avenue. Say, old man, is the scheme any good? He dassen't come back. Do you think she'd pull out and go to him, wherever he is?"

It's mostly horse sense and brute strength that we use. No two rapids are alike and the portages are nearly all difficult beyond words." "My Gawd!" muttered Jonas. "You go over to the Hopi country with us," said Na-che, softly. "I dassen't do it!" groaned Jonas. "You'll have to serve that stew, Na-che. My nerves is just too upset. I gotta go off and sit down somewhere."

"All aboard for the big eats," the latter announced. "Mocha's buttoned up in a stud game where he dassen't turn his head to spit. He's good for all night, but I'm on the job." "I'm having supper with 'Poleon," Rouletta told him. The Snowbird paused in dismay. "Say! You can't run out on a pal," he protested. "You got to O.K. my vittles or they won't harmonize."

You could blackmail me until I dassen't call my ship my own." "Don't worry, you snipe. Nobody else will ever hanker to own her." Another insult from McGuffey. Having made up his mind that a fight was inevitable, the honest fellow was above pleading for mercy. "Enough of this gab," Mr. Gibney roared. "My patience is exhausted. I'm dog-tired an' I'm goin' to have peace if I have to fight for it.

Whatever may come to-morrow, to-night you must obey my commands." "I won't do a thing you tell me to. I don't have to, see? My friends will look for you just as soon as I don't turn up, and it will go hard with you." "Just as soon as you do not turn up with the news you have killed me. We'll see whether you will do what I tell you to." "You dassen't kill me. You're afraid to kill me.

He was just starting out when Johnnie Vautrin hailed him from his lair in the hedge. "Heh, Mist' Graeme! I seen " "Better not, Johnnie!" he said, with a warning finger. "If it's anything uncomfortable I'll come right over and jump on you and Marrlyou." "Goderabetin, you dassen't!" "Oh, dassen't I? If you don't see everything good for this week, and fine weather too, you little imp, I'll "

"Every man," said he, with some dignity, "has got his lamps on something that looks good to him. With you, it's this dame that you're afraid to say your say to. With me, it was to win out in the ring. Well, you'll lose just like I did." "Why do you think I shall lose?" I asked warmly. "'Cause," said he, "you're afraid to go in the ring. You dassen't stand up before a professional.