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But the fat circus lady had trained the black cat well, and Snoop performed the trick to the delight of the children. "That is very good," said Mrs. Bobbsey. "Oh, see! Snap is turning a somersault in his cage. Poor dog, let him out, Freddie; won't you?" "He isn't a dog he's a lion," insisted the little boy. "I dassen't let out a lion, or he might bite you."

But outside, before the theatre, there was no sign of a gentleman awaiting an audience: only the people pouring on into the Academy. "Around the corner," whispered the dark man hoarsely. "He dassen't wait here. Quick!" Around the corner the pair hurried, Varney close in their wake.

The Lloyds marched on without a word, except from Sadie Peel. She turned round with a derisive shout. "Scab yourselves!" she shrieked. "You dassen't fire at me. You're scabs yourselves, you be!" "Scabs, scabs!" shouted the men, moving forward. "Scab yourself!" shouted Sadie Peel. Abby Atkins caught hold of her arm and shook her violently. "Shut up, can't you, Sadie Peel," she said.

Secret ballot or no secret ballot, the organization's going to win. You know that. Now, who'll the organization put up f'r Mayor? From what I hear, they dassen't put up any old machine hack, same's they been doin' f'r years. They might want to do it, but they're a-scared the people won't stand f'r it.

You kill all who disobey your orders, for if people began to resist you successfully you must needs go out of business. Did all put aside their repugnance to shed blood and kill your kind as they would wolves, we would have no more of you." "You dassen't kill me, you dassen't kill me," cried the robber. It was the snarl of the wild beast, hopelessly held in the toils.

It was curls that couldn't be shook out and a nose that dassen't be sunburned and shoes that mustn't be scuffed and a dress that shouldn't be mussed, from the day she was born. Ye couldn't jist honest say she had ever had a FAIR chance, now could ye?" "No," said Linda conclusively, "no, Katherine O'Donovan, you could not. But what are we up against? Does she want to come back?

He is all right, and don't you forget it. Them guys wanted to give me the grand bounce, but I got a date, see?" She reeled on up the aisle until she reached the steps of the altar. There she stood, swaying before the lights, repeating her cry: "They dassen't touch me. I got a date, I tell you!"

"I'll dare you to do it. I'll double dare you! You dassen't!" But he did. After a moment's bewildered surprise he threw back his handsome blond head and gave vent to a great, deep infectious roar of mirth that brought the Spalpeens tumbling up the stairs in defiance of their mother's strict instructions. After that we got along beautifully.

Mother hated to call him Elihu, but there was Grandfather gettin' older an' older all the time, an' she dassen't wait till the next one. She put it off an' off with the other boys, Carruthers an' Gilpatrick he's dead. She just couldn't name any of 'em Elihu, till Grandfather scared her, gettin' so old. She was afraid there wouldn't be time, an' there wasn't any to spare.

"I don't know what's come over that fellow, Mawruss," Abe said at last. "Formerly he was a crackerjack never made no mistakes nor nothing; and now I dassen't trust him at all, Mawruss. Everything we ship I got to look after it myself, Mawruss. We might as well have no shipping clerk at all." "You're right, Abe," Morris replied. "He gets carelesser every day. And why, Abe?