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Also, the ship's cabin would be sure to go, and unless he had help he would have to abandon the vessel and she would lie there, submerged, at anchor, a menace to the navigation of the port." "The scoundrel! The in-fer-nal young scoundrel!" cried Cappy Ricks. "Well, he got away with it, sir.

"I am going to stick your dub of a father for that, as a penance for his sins of omission, Joey; for by the Holy Pink-Toed Prophet, if ever a boy won a bet and was entitled to it, you're that young man. In-fer-nal young scoundrel! Keep it and split fifty-fifty with your wife.

"All I ask is fighting room and I'll hack my way into Mr. Skinner's heart. Thank you, Mr. Skinner, for consenting to take me on. I appreciate your action very, very much and shall endeavor to be worthy of your confidence." "Young scoundrel! In-fer-nal young scoundrel!" Cappy murmured to himself. "He has a sense of humor, thank God! Ah, poor old narrow-gauge Skinner!

And the show was very poor; in fact, after seeing it I made up my mind I was off cabaret stuff for keeps." "You ancient scalawag! What were you doing in a place like that?" "Seeing life as it ought not to be, of course. Your boy Joey took me up there, by the way. In-fer-nal young scoundrel! He showed me the town and we had quite a time together." Joe Gurney's old eyes popped with amazement.

"On the level, boss, if they'll give me a Springfield rifle with telescopic sights I'll guarantee to sicken anythin' I get a fair sight on at a thousand yards." "In-fer-nal scoundrel! How dare you argue with me! You get back on your job!" "Boss, I'm going into the army," Daniels announced sadly, but nevertheless firmly. "I'm givin' you a month's notice so you can get a man to take my place."

They were choking with laughter. "And go and get married in a natural, simple way like anybody else and try to do our duty to God to each other and to our fellow-beings and quit this damned nonsense and in-fer-nal idiocy forever!" "Amen!" The present edition gives that ending, which of course is the only real one.

Now there's that crazy boy gone out in a rage just because he had the presumption to tangle with me in a business deal and get dog-gone well licked! He put it all over me yesterday, thinking I couldn't protect myself. Well, he knows better now, Skinner; he knows better now! In-fer-nal young scoundrel! Wow, but wasn't he a wild man, Skinner? Wasn't he though?" And Cappy Ricks chuckled.

My house is big enough for three, isn't it?" "But this thing of living with your wife's relations " Matt began mischievously, until he saw the pain and the loneliness in Cappy's kind old eyes. "Oh, well," he hastened to add, "pull it off to suit yourself; but don't waste any time." "In-fer-nal young scoundrel!" Cappy cried happily. "We've waited too long already."

"Why," said Redell wonderingly, "I thought you'd forgiven me that, Cappy." "So I have; but I haven't forgotten. Expect me to lose my self- respect and forget about it? No, sir! When I go into a deal and emerge in the red, I take a look at my loss-and-gain account and forget it; but when I'm ravished of my self respect-wow! Look out below and get out from under! In-fer-nal young scoundrel!

Cappy commenced to chuckle softly. "In-fer-nal rascal!" he declared. "He had me where the hair is short, Matt; he had me where I dassen't defy my own general manager! Yes, sir, that was the long and short of it. I dassen't call his bluff, because he doesn't bluff worth a cent, and I happen to know some of my competitors would like to get him away from me.