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Updated: August 1, 2024

His common-sense, however, and his discretion came to his rescue, and delivered him from a strong temptation to blast the old woman's paradise with a breath of negative criticism. 'There's a grave daan at th' bottom o' th' yard, Mr. Penrose, where th' sunleet rests from morn till neet, an' I've axed Joseph to lay me there, for it's welly awlus warm, and flaars grow from Kesmas to Kesmas.

And as I sat on th' bench i' th' garden same bench as yo' saw me sittin' on this afternoon my missis coome to th' dur, and hoo said, "Enoch, what doesto think?" "Nay, lass," I said, "I durnd know." "Why," hoo says, "I think as thaa's fotched aar Joe daan fro' heaven to hear thee playin'; he seems nearer to me naa nor he ever did sin' he left us." And so, ever afterwards, Mr.

Her mother continued to read aloud: "Mind you let me know if Leeds beats Barnsla i' t' Midland Section next Setterday. It'll be a long while afore I clap eyes on a paper aat here, an' I've putten a bit o' brass on Leeds winnin' t' game. An' tell my father he mun tak my linnit daan to t' Spotted Duck for t' next singin' competition. He's a tidy singer is Bobby, if he's nobbut properly looked efter.

'I'm i' bed, and canna be bothered; candle's aat, and we ha' no matches upstairs; go home and come agean in th' mornin', and I'll lend the' some. Remember me to the' friend, good-noight: whereupon he shuffles daan into bed agean, and tries to compose himsen to sleep.

These he enclosed with the deeds in a large blue envelope, and in a clerkly hand addressed them, with a note, to James Crawshaw. After this he knelt down, and, as he prayed, Captain came and laid his head upon the clasped hands of his master. 'Good-mornin', Abram. Hasto ought fresh daan i' th' village? 'Plenty, Enoch; hasto yerd naught? 'Nowe; I hevn't bin daan fro' th' moors sin' Sundo.

'Well, when hoo put her piece daan afore me, I couldn't tak' mi een off her. "At yo'," I said, as gawmless as a nicked goose. "Then thaa'd better use thi een for what th'art paid for, an' look at them pieces i'stead o' lookin' at lasses' faces." 'And hoo walked aat o' th' warehaase like a queaan.

At other times they name it, without any symbolism or special reason, by the first word which occurs to them as, for example, Daan, which signifies "road;" Babui, which means "pig;" or Manug, which signifies "fowl." All persons are called by these names from birth, without using surnames until they are married.

In a little while after that they were all in bed and th' candle blown aat; they were just settling daan into sleep, when there came a loud knocking at th' front door, ran, tan, tan, tan. 'Ellow! who's there? exclaimed th' good man of th' haase as he raised himself up in bed. "'It's me! answered a voice from th' aatside. "'Me, who's me? "'I'm th' neighbour, thaa knaws.

This was the shadow that fell across the hearth the despair that was seated like a hideous ghoul by their fireside. In the morning three generations of Crawshaw would be homeless. 'Well, lad, said Jimmy's wife, 'it's no use lying daan to dee afore one's time; there's this little un to fend for, and, as I say, th' wick is o' more value than th' deeing. 'Thaa'rt hard on th' owd woman, lass.

After a silence of some minutes Enoch turned to Mr. Penrose and said: 'Jokin' aside, Mr. Penrose, that owd flute yo' yerd me playin' this afternoon is a part o' my life. Let's sit daan i' this nook and I'll tell yo' all abaat it. Three times in mi history it's bin mi salvation. Th' first wor when I lost mi brass. We lived daan at th' Brig then, and I ran th' factory.

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