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And when the wretched remnants of Dumnorix's band of ex-gladiators and brigands strove to flee from the holy house they had polluted, a hundred hands were put forth against each one, and they were torn to pieces by the frenzied mob. Into the Atrium Vestæ swarmed the people, howling, shouting, praising the goddess, fighting one another every man imagining his neighbour a cutthroat and abductor.

'You have spoilt a good man, rejoined the margravine; 'and that reminds me of a bad one a cutthroat. Have you heard of that creature, the princess's tutor? Happily cut loose from us, though! He has published a book a horror! all against Scripture and Divine right! Is there any one to defend him now, I should like to ask? 'I, said Ottilia. 'Gracious me! you have not read the book?

"Well, now, I don't intend to let you stay alone in a room," declared the eldest brother. "But there's no use of our tryin' to start home to-night. We couldn't get off without somebody knowin' about it, and I don't want any cutthroat Indians after me. If we had fresh horses it'd be a different thing. We'd lead 'em a run for the farm. But the ponies are tired.

Now, really, dear, how far do you imagine your hearsay evidence which is no evidence at all goes with the fair magistrate? What would be your verdict if some one were to come to you and say, 'Saxondale is a blackguard, a rascal, a cutthroat?" "I confess I'd say it was not true," she said, turning quite red. "The chances are you wouldn't even ask for proof.

Deep and soft and soulful, though the man himself may have a soul like a bit of charred leather; velvety and tender, though they may belong to an out-and-out cutthroat; expressive, eloquent even, though they are the eyes of a peon with no mind to speak of; night-black, and like the night filled with mystery.

"It was clear that either he or you had to meet this German cutthroat." "But," Dillon asked, in astonishment, "why would you rather that your friend Rupert should be killed than I?" "You are not putting the case fairly," Lord Fairholm said. "Did it stand so, I should certainly prefer that you should run this risk than that Rupert should do so. But the case stands thus.

For forty years now has the Louvre been crying out by every gap in these damaged walls, by every yawning window, "Rid me of these warts upon my face!" This cutthroat lane has no doubt been regarded as useful, and has been thought necessary as symbolizing in the heart of Paris the intimate connection between poverty and the splendor that is characteristic of the queen of cities.

"You owe him victory at Lewes," snapped the King. "It were indeed a sad commentary upon the sincerity of our loyalty-professing lieges who turned their arms against our royal person, 'to save him from the treachery of his false advisers, that they called upon a cutthroat outlaw with a price upon his head to aid them in their 'righteous cause'."

I was young and familiar only with the tools of an iron puddler. The other men were ten years older and had acquired skill in handling mule-teams and swinging an ax. They saw I couldn't do anything, so they appointed me water carrier. The employing boss was what is now called hard-boiled. He was a Cuban, with the face of a cutthroat.

"I can't go into a shooting-match with you about this cur. If you call your uncle there will be bloodshed unless you drop me off my horse right here and now before he appears. All I ask you is this: Is this kind of a cutthroat worth that? If you shoot me, my whole posse from Sleepy Cat is right below us in the aspens. Some of your own people will be killed in a general fight.