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They returned during the regular supper hour. The cowman washed quickly and hastened in to the table. Gowan, however, loitered just outside the door, fastening and refastening his neckerchief. He entered the dining-room while Isobel was in the midst of telling her father about the snake. "Did you hear, Kid?" she asked, when she finished her vivid account. "Yes, Miss Chuckie.

Munson had pulled up as Alex ran for the fence. When the boy began pounding the wire he at once recognized its purpose, and sprang from his horse, drawing his pistol. Instantly Alex darted on, carrying the stone. The cowman ran after. But the man was slow on his feet, and despite his fatigue, Alex drew away from him. "Stop, or I'll shoot!" cried the cow-puncher. "Pull up! I will!"

Thomas will find it convenient to stop at the ranch," he murmured pleasantly, "but don't let me interfere with your business." "Well, I guess that's all to-night, Shep," remarked Swope, taking charge of the situation. "I jest wanted you to meet Hardy while you was together. This is the Mr. Hardy, of the Dos S outfit, you understand," he continued, "and a white cowman!

Again within the room there was silence, and again from without there approached an interruption. From up the street, from out the door of Red Jenkins's joint it came; the patter, patter of many feet, leading it the heavy clump of mighty cowhide boots on the cottonwood sidewalk, the jingle of spurs on those same boots at every step, the deep breathing of a cowman intoxicated at last.

The storm, it is a joke besides that terror of the darkness!" If he expected to alarm Frank, the Mexican cowman mistook the character of the boy. Frank believed that the fellow's fears had made him imagine more than half of what he declared had happened to him. "Well, we leave you here, then, Joe," the boy remarked, sturdily; "because we're going to find that cave, and see what lies inside it.

Something flickered among the rocks a short distance ahead and then vanished before he could identify it. But he knew what it meant. Some one was watching him. If the watcher was not Motoza or Tozer, he was an ally of theirs. He was holding the cowman under surveillance, ready to report or shoot on the first proof of his real purpose.

Yes, Bennet's his name. "And mighty lucky thing I have you back here," he added over his shoulder. "Good morning, Mr. Bennet," he said. "Caught us at breakfast again." "Breakfast! What are you doing at breakfast this time of day?" inquired the K. & Z. man, entering. When the cowman explained, the newcomer glowered at Alex threateningly. "Why didn't you shoot?" he demanded. "Too near the train.

"What's that?" growled the cowman, flushing hotly. But the girl burst into such a peal of laughter that his scowl relaxed to an uncertain smile. "Well, what's the joke, honey?" he asked. "Oh! oh! oh!" she cried, her blue eyes glistening with mirthful tears. "Don't you see he's got you, Daddy? You didn't sell him his meat on the hoof. You've got to dress and deliver his cutlets."

Knowles, but there's that veal. If only you'll let me work out what I owe you." "You don't owe me a cent for the yearling," gruffly replied the cowman. "Don't know what I could put you at, anyway." "Might use him to shoo off the rattlers and jackrabbits from in front the mowing machine," suggested Gowan. "Mr.

Miss Majesty, it was Arizona thet made Nels what he is, the Arizona desert an' the work of a cowman. He's seen ridin' at Canyon Diablo an' the Verdi an' Tonto Basin. He knows every mile of Aravaipa Valley an' the Pinaleno country. He's ranged from Tombstone to Douglas. He hed shot bad white men an' bad Greasers before he was twenty-one. He's seen some life, Nels has.