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Still under the spell of the fancied revolver and the boy's unfaltering gaze, the renegade cowman obeyed, and the telegraph instruments clicked out a painfully deliberate, but fairly readable "X." It was an idle half-hour, and when the despatcher at Exeter heard his call he glanced up from a magazine, listened a moment, and impatiently remarking, "Some idiot student!" returned to his reading.

It was the parting look of breeder, owner, and factor, and when the average weight was announced, Mr. Stoddard turned to the others. "Look here, Mr. Joel," said he, "are these the cattle I sold you last summer?" "They carry your brand," modestly admitted Joel. "So I notice," assentingly said the old cowman. "And still I can scarcely believe my eyes.

Then suddenly the rider whirled broadside, leaned from the saddle, and before Alex, wildly scrambling, could withdraw, had him firmly by the hair. By main force the cowboy dragged his prisoner through the fence, and upright beside him. With a half-stifled sob Alex lurched limply against the pony's shoulders. "Never mind, kid," said the cowman not unkindly. "You made a good fight of it.

He slunk off, and was seen no more. It was Hank Hazletine, the cowman, who leaped over the head of Jack Dudley when he was crouching on the rock in the canyon, and it happened in this way: It has been intimated that when the veteran left the boy at the temporary camp on the mountain side his intention was to learn the whereabouts of Motoza, the Sioux, hoping thereby to gain knowledge of the missing Fred Greenwood.

Somewhat earlier than usual he rose to go, with the excuse that he wished to consult Knowles about some business with the owner of the adjoining range. The cowman went out with him, and did not return. An hour later Ashton took reluctant leave of Isobel, and started for the bunkhouse. Half way across he was met by his employer, who stopped before him. "Everybody turning in, Lafe?"

My own belt was filled with ammunition, but on Forrest buying fifty, I took an equal number, and after starting out of the store, both turned back and doubled our purchases. On arriving at the stable, whom should I meet but the Wyoming cowman who had left us at Grinnell.

This exception tickled Uncle Lance, as it gave him an opportunity to annoy his sister about Nancrede, as he did about every other cowman or drover who visited the ranch. That evening, as I was chatting with Miss Jean, who was superintending the Mexican help milking at the cow pen, Uncle Lance joined us. "Say, Sis," said he, "our man Nancrede is a cowman all right.

The Cajan crew rowed up to where Milt Rogers and Crump and the black deckhand were watching by a pool. The shrimpers listened to the cowman, who had tied the sleeve of his shirt about his bloody head. "You can get a barge down from Morgan City and take the cows off before the sea comes high," said Rogers quietly. "They're eating the lilies and they find sweet water in 'em.

"No, thank you," he said, nodding amiably to the cowman, "I don't drink." An incredulous murmur passed along the line, mingled with sarcastic mutterings, but the cowman did not stir. "Well, have a cigar, then," he suggested patiently; and the barkeeper, eager to have it over, slapped one down on the bar and raised his glass.

Tad was observing the mountain boy keenly, measuring him mentally, while young Simms, pale-faced and frightened, was leaning against his pony, which he had caught and was preparing to mount when he was stopped by the gun of the cowboy. "See, you've got him rattled already, Bob," shouted a cowman triumphantly. "He'll be running in a minute." "Come away, Tad," begged Philip. "Keep quiet.