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"It's sure goin' fer ter bother Massa Donaldson ter lose dis nigger, sah, fer Ah's de only one he's got." The lights slowly faded away in the far distance, finally disappearing altogether as we rounded a sharp bend in the river bank. The engine increased its stroke, giving vent to louder chugging, and I could feel the strain of the planks beneath us as we battled the current.

The chugging of many motors the churning to foam of the blue waters of the lake a haze of acrid smoke hanging over all, as some cylinder did not properly digest the gasoline vapor and oil fed to it, but sent it out half consumed spray thrown up now and then the distant sound of a band eager eyes looking toward the stake buoys tense breathing all this went to make up the race in which our outdoor girls were taking part.

And, glancing about the poor room with its sway-backed double bed, he advised that she be sent off to a hospital without delay, and so smiled cheerily at the small patient and went chugging back to his handsome house on Washington Street, having pooh-poohed all mention of a fee. But Kern cried bitterly at the threat of a hospital, and Mr.

Tom didn't wait to inform him. The young chief engineer was darting out on the wall as fast as he could go. Already the "Morton" had turned, and was chugging back to the scene of this latest outrage, the searchlight flashing back and forth, in the vain effort to detect any small craft stealing away from the vicinity. "I -I can't race on a narrow runway like that," faltered Mr.

When she could see once more, he was gone, but men were leaping out through the door of the bunk-house, shouting in excitement. One of these caught sight of her, and fired, the bullet chugging into the end of a log, so closely it caught a strand of her hair, but, before another shot could follow, she had seized the shutter, and closed the opening, driving the latch fast with the revolver butt.

He even told himself he could catch the sound of splashing and oars working madly in the locks, although this may have been only imagination on Perk's part, but for one thing, he did glimpse a moving light and could detect a chugging movement such as would accompany the inglorious flight of the speedboat, racing for some shore harbor.

Thus, chugging on merrily with the long oily roll of the sea under us, we presently once more ran our surf, and this time had small difficulty in winning through, for, once we felt the ground under us, we simply sprang overboard and waded in, dragging the boat with us, waist-deep sometimes in the flood, but on the whole quite safe.

She was swimming and Keineth knew that as she swam she was unbuttoning and kicking off her shoes and her skirt. An encouraging shout went up as she moved rapidly forward, her head under water, first one straight, strong arm, then the other, shooting out and ahead! Off at a little distance the judges' boat was chugging. From the beach the spectators, breathless, could see a struggle in the water.

Up anchor, then, and back across the stream toward our quarry quickly, my bold mates, for now there lies at hand a dangerous work of the boarding party! Thus I might have spoken aloud; for, at least, I hardly needed to do more than motion to Jean Lafitte, and as we resumed our softly chugging progress, having broken out our shallow anchorage, he steered the boat to the motion of my hand.

If only he would come! God grant that he return to her as he went away! As the unspoken prayer died away on her lips, there was the chugging of an automobile stopping suddenly at the curb. "Les voici!" cried François, dropping into his native tongue in his excitement. He threw open the wide doors and the next instant Ray ran up the steps.