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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Those jolly purple ones." "Very good, sir." He lugged them out of the drawer as if he were a vegetarian fishing a caterpillar out of the salad. You could see he was feeling deeply. Deuced painful and all that, this sort of thing, but a chappie has got to assert himself every now and then. Absolutely.

After all, there are times when a cove must make sacrifices. I was just going to nip back and break the glad news to him, when the lift came up, so I thought I would leave it till I got home. The coloured chappie in charge of the lift looked at me, as I hopped in, with a good deal of quiet devotion and what not. "I wish to thank yo', suh," he said, "for yo' kindness." "Eh? What?"

You 'adn't no right to hit a man with a stick. You'll 'ave to come along." "But, I say, you know!" Freddie was appalled. This sort of thing had happened to him before, but only on Boat-Race Night at the Empire, where it was expected of a chappie. "I mean to say!" "And you too, sir. You're both in it." "But . . ." "Oh, come along, Freddie," said Jill quietly.

Lu was suggesting that I seek him out in his lair and ensnare him with my diplomatic manner and superior brain power and what not." "It was your idea, precious," said Lucille. Mr. Brewster was silent. Much as it went against the grain to have to admit it, there seemed to be something in this. "What do you propose to do?" "Become a jolly old ambassador. How much did you offer the chappie?"

In this matter of shimmering into rooms the chappie is rummy to a degree. You're sitting in the old armchair, thinking of this and that, and then suddenly you look up, and there he is. He moves from point to point with as little uproar as a jelly fish. The thing startled poor old Bicky considerably. He rose from his seat like a rocketing pheasant.

Devilish efficient sort of chappie, and looked on in commercial circles as quite the nib!" "I am amazed! What is the nature of my nephew's business, Mr. Wooster?" "Oh, just business, don't you know. The same sort of thing Carnegie and Rockefeller and all these coves do, you know." I slid for the door. "Awfully sorry to leave you, but I've got to meet some of the lads elsewhere."

While Miller Lyddon still argued with Billy against the step he now designed, there arrived from Chagford the stout Mr. Chappie, with his mouth full of news. "More weddin's," he said. "I comed down-long to tell 'e, lest you shouldn't knaw till to-morrow an' so fall behind the times. Widow Coomstock 's thrawed up the sponge and gived herself to that importuneous auld Lezzard.

"Temper your hilarity with a modicum of reserve. This girlish frivolity is unseemly. Well, I'm going to have a chat with this chappie and fix it all up." "Fix what up?" "The whole jolly business. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone. I've a composer chappie popping about in the background whose one ambish. is to have his pet song sung before a discriminating audience.

"I don't mean that that was a unique occurrence and so forth, because, when I was a bachelor, it was rather a habit of mine to get a trifle submerged every now and again on occasions of decent mirth and festivity. But the rummy thing that night was that I showed it. Up till then, I've been told by experts, I was a chappie in whom it was absolutely impossible to detect the symptoms.

"I mean to say, a chappie who makes you stand on a bally pedestal sort of arrangement and get a crick in the spine, and then doesn't turn up and leaves you biffing all over the countryside in a bathing suit " The reintroduction of the bathing suit motive seemed to have the worst effect on the captain. He flushed darkly. "Are you trying to josh me? I've a mind to soak you!"

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