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You're married!" "Yes." "How perfectly topping! I wish you all kinds of happiness." "Thank you, so much. Oh Alexander," she said, looking past me, "this is a friend of mine Mr. Wooster." I spun round. A chappie with a lot of stiff grey hair and a red sort of healthy face was standing there. Rather a formidable Johnnie, he looked, though quite peaceful at the moment.

The advantage of having plenty of time on one's hands is that one has leisure to attend to the affairs of all one's circle of friends; and Archie, assiduously as he watched over the destinies of the Sausage Chappie, did not neglect the romantic needs of his brother-in-law Bill.

Simple, that is to say, in its working, but a devilish brainy thing for a chappie to have thought out. If Ann had really meant what she had said at lunch that day, and was prepared to stick to her bargain and marry me as soon as I showed a burst of intelligence, she was mine.

By way of not letting myself be gobbled up, I remained silent; but I couldn't help starting when a voice behind me exclaimed: "Ah, there, my chappie. You're welcome to the milk. I've skimmed off the cream. Ta, ta." It was the Flashlight flashing at the Evening Bat. The creature was not blinded, however. He seemed difficult to disconcert.

Blee but little hurt, bandaged his arm, plastered his head, and assured him that a pipe and a glass of spirits was all he needed to fortify his sinking spirit. The party ate and drank, raised a cheer for Miller Lyddon and then went homewards. Only Mr. Chappie and Gaffer Lezzard entered the house and had a wineglass or two of some special sloe gin. Mr.

The man was stout and middle-aged. He bulged in practically every place in which a man can bulge, and his head was almost entirely free from hair. The girl was young and pretty. Her eyes were blue. Her hair was brown. She had a rather attractive little mole on the left side of her chin. "Good Lord!" said the Sausage Chappie. "Now what?" said Archie. "Who's that? Over at the table there?"

Rotten thing to be, of course," proceeded Archie commiseratingly, "for a chappie of your age, but there it is!" Mr. Brewster gulped. "Do you mean to say ?" "I mean, apt to make a fellow feel a bit of a patriarch. Snowy hair and what not. And, of course, for a chappie in the prime of life like you " "Do you mean to tell me ? Is this true?" "Absolutely!

"As our American brothers put it, 'get a move on! We have about half a day to get packed." "Are you crazy?" demanded the Greek, staring at him. "Not crazy, Nosey, dear chappie! Not crazy; merely going home!" "Home?" repeated Zaidos feebly. "Home?" "Home!" said Nick jubilantly. "With you! At least on the same steamer. So if they blow us up on the way over, we can soar hand in hand, old chum!"

"I vote we go to the Cosmopolis," he said, steering his newly-found friend through the crowd. "The browsing and sluicing isn't bad there, and I can sign the bill which is no small consideration nowadays." The Sausage Chappie chuckled amusedly. "I can't go to a place like the Cosmopolis looking like this." Archie, was a little embarrassed. "Oh, I don't know, you know, don't you know!" he said.

I'd gone out there alone, rather expecting to have a round with the pro., but, finding this lad there, I suggested that we might go round together. We did eighteen holes, and he licked the boots off me. Very hot stuff he was. And after the game he took me off to his cottage and gave me a drink. He lives at the cottage next door to Platt's farm, so, you see, it was the identical chappie.