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Doble had heard the story of what Dave and Bob had done for Crawford and of how the wounded boy had been taken to the cattleman's home and nursed there. It pleased him now to score off what he chose to think was the soft-headedness of his chief. The cattleman showed interest. "That so, Dug? Sorry. I took a fancy to that boy. What did he do?"

He had turned the simple cattleman's thoughts inside out, was aware of the doubt Billie had scarcely admitted to himself, and knew all he did except the one point Luck had asked him not to mention. Moreover, he had talked so casually that his visitor had no suspicion of what he was driving at. Mackenzie attempted a little sleuthing of his own.

Before he could shake one of them free to reach the revolver in his chaps, he was lying on his back, with Flatray astride of him. The cattleman's left hand closed tightly upon his windpipe, while the right searched for and found the weapon in the holster of the prostrate man. Not until the steel rim of it pressed against the teeth of the man beneath him did Jack's fingers loosen.

And there was a sting in his little interior, as if some one had thrust a needle into him, and left a sore spot; or as if he had swallowed a crust or a codfish bone, and it had lodged somewhere. He gave over thinking about wearing a cattleman's outfit, and began once more to turn his thoughts inward upon the flat.

Suddenly Tedge realized a vast malevolent pleasure he couldn't hope to gain from his perishing cargo; and he began to gloat at the agony spread below his wheelhouse window, and the cattleman's futile pity for them. "They'll rot on Point Au Fer! We'll heave the stink of them, dead and alive, to the sharks of Au Fer Pass! Drownin' cows in dyin' lilies "

But it wasn't so long ago that your fancy little city of Amarillo was nothing but a cattleman's town. I'm going to have a representation of old Amarillo in our pageant you'll see.

Superiority had been born in Frances Landcraft, not educated into her in expensive schools, the cattleman's daughter knew. It spoke for itself in the carriage of her head there against the light of that fair new day, with the sunshine on the dying cottonwood leaves beyond the windowpane; in the lifting of her neck, white as King David's tower of shields.

His enemies have showed their hand. They tried to gun him, before witnesses, while he was unarmed. Whatever happens now, Dave's got public sentiment on his side. I'm always glad to have my enemy declare himself. Then I can take measures." "What measures can Dave take?" asked Joyce. A faint, grim smile flitted across the old cattleman's face.

He took some New Mexican cow-ponies out with him, and he and his men succeeded in all they undertook to do, capturing not only the less dangerous animals, such as antelope, buck and giraffe, but also a lioness and a rhinoceros, surely a very notable feat. Amarillo in the Panhandle was then purely a cattleman's town.

Fraser taken in his uniform; Lieutenant Fraser, I should say." The cattleman's face fell. "You know, then, who he is, and what he's doing here." Without evasion, her gaze met his. "I understood him to say he was an officer in the Texas Rangers. You know why he is here." "You're right, I do. But do you?" "Well, what is it you mean? Out with it, Jed," she demanded impatiently.