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The lieutenants and satellites took theirs and growled "Here's to you." Ikey took his nectar in delirium. All drank. Ikey threw his week's wages in a crumpled roll upon the bar. "C'rect," said the bartender, smoothing the twelve one-dollar notes. The crowd surged around Billy McMahan again. Some one was telling how Brannigan fixed 'em over in the Eleventh.

"If I took c'rect bearin's, accordin' to your yarn the cargo is planted some distance from the coast?" "About forty miles." "An', while some of us goes after it, the yacht will stand off, an' on, waitin' orders, an' mebbe runnin' to Perim or Aden for letters." "You have grasped the situation, exactly, Captain Stump." The skipper shifted his cigar from one corner of his mouth to another.

"Thet's c'rect, my son. Every schoolboy knows thet thar p'int in nat'ral history." "Then why are you insulting our intelligence by stating that a herd of hogs followed you into the water and swam after you?

When I do go to the Derby it is to see the bipeds rather than the quadrupeds; to empty the hamper from Fortnum and Mason's, rather than to study the "names, weights, and colours of the riders" on the "c'rect card."

He gave a subdued whoop of delight, slapped his dusty white hat on his thigh, and vented his enthusiasm in murmurs of admiring profanity. "It may not work out," suggested his friend. "But if your information is correct and they come up the arroyo " "It's c'rect enough. Lemme ask you a question. If you was attacktin' us, wouldn't you come that way?" "Yes." "Sure. It's the logical way.

I notice our friends the enemy are sending their cards through the door after us right anxious." As he spoke a bullet tore a jagged splinter from a panel and buried itself in the ceiling. A second and a third followed. "That's c'rect. We'd better be 'Not at home' when they call. Eh, Nell?"

Ike Carney laid himself out to be pleasant. "Goin' to Skitter Bend?" he observed, as he handed his new guest the change out of a one hundred dollar bill. "Wal, it's a tidy layout; ninety-five dollars, mister; a dollar a drink. You'll find that c'rect best ranch around these parts. Say," he went on, "the ol' blind hoss has hunched it together pretty neat. I'll say that."

Tottie can write like a parson, my wife can read, though she can't write, an'll see that it's all c'rect, specially the spellin' an' the makin' of it hambigoo-ous; an' I'll supply the idees, the notions like, an' superintend, so to speak, an' we'll make little Billy stand by wi' the blottin'-paper, just to keep him out o' mischief." Haco regarded his friend with deepening admiration.

Ah, slightly feverish no wonder I'll tell you all about it soon, but at present you must be content merely to know that you are safe in the hands of friends, that you are in the pirates' cave, and that the pirates and their vessel are now at the bottom of the sea." "That's hardly c'rect, Mr Shipton," murmured Slagg; "I would have said they was blow'd to hatoms."

Haco plunged the "bunch of fives" into his coat-pocket, and sat down again beside his agitated daughter. "I can speak purfessionally," said Dan, "in regard to yer last obsarvation consarnin' blind hosses, and I belave that ye're c'rect.