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"What ho, what ho, what ho!" said Reggie breezily. He always believed in starting a conversation well, and putting people at their ease. "What ho! What ho!" Maud braced herself for the encounter. "Hullo, Percy, dear," she said, meeting her brother's accusing eye with the perfect composure that comes only from a thoroughly guilty conscience.

She disliked nature in its crude state; she preferred it softened and toned down to drawing-room pitch. She glanced up in disapproval as Ruth's laugh sounded in the hall. "Rachel, tell her that lunch is waiting," she said to the colored girl at her side. Carter looked up as Ruth came breezily into the room. She wore her riding-habit, and her hair was tossed by her brisk morning canter.

Then Will French joined them breezily. "Gee whiz, but she's a peach, isn't she?" he breathed as he took his place beside Hester, and Michael dropped behind, "but I suppose it'll all rub off. They say most of those swells aren't real." "I think she's real!" declared Hester. "Her eyes are sweet and her smile is charming. The color on her cheeks wasn't put on like paint. I just love her.

She hurried to the stove where the waiting supper gave forth a pleasant odor. "Been down to the game at M'nop'ly," he explained happily as he flung breezily into the kitchen and dashed his cap on a chair, "Gee! That ham smells good! Say, Saxy, whad-ya do with that can of black paint I left on the door step last Saturday?"

"This is something like home!" he exclaims breezily; whereupon Mr. Shamrock murmurs that if people find nothing to admire in a foreign country save what resembles their own, he wonders that they take the trouble to be travelling.

If the boy had not been so cheerful it would have been easier, but there he lay chatting breezily to me through the canvas, wanting to know all about our work and asking hundreds of questions. "You wait till I get home," he said, "I'll have the best eye chap there is, you bet your life. By Jove, it will be splendid to get these bandages off, and see again."

"And I just wish you could come into my world often, girlie," was the cuddling answer, "for it's lonely as old Sarum here on the mountainside though where old Sarum is I don't know myself!" breezily. "Nor I!" laughed Una. "Old Man Greylock doesn't talk to one, you know only roars sometimes."

"Ask your son to be quiet, Dingle," he said impassively. Steve was staggered. "Say, this ain't my son, squire," he began breezily. "Your nephew, then, or whatever relation he happens to be to you." He resumed his dictation. Steve wiped his forehead and looked helplessly at the White Hope, who, having discarded the dying pig, was now busy with the box of bricks. Steve wished he had not come.

With a recklessness born of desperation she slid and scuffled down the side of the cliff and ran blindly down the trail. Scott, starting breezily down the trail after the recreant horses, whistled a tune as he went, for he was happy. He did not weigh reason against happiness it was too soon for that.

"The Girl!" repeated all all save Ashby, whose snores by this time could be heard throughout the big room and drained their glasses. There was a general movement towards the bar when the fair proprietress of The Polka, who had lingered longer than usual in her little cabin on top of the mountain, breezily entered the place by the main door.