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That's how the dividing line comes in. The others are all married, much married, and like their little comforts. 'You're right there, said the explorer, disconsolately. 'A bread-and-cheese lunch in a bar parlor and a twenty-mile walk didn't suit Warner. He used not to be like that. If only he'd kept out in Africa after the war. 'Warner's better than somebody we both know, grumbled Hood.

Do you mean to say that I am not to have bread-and-cheese out of Tretton?" "If I were to turn you out of these rooms you'd find it very difficult to get it." "I don't think you'll do that." "I'm not so sure." "You're meditating it, are you? I shouldn't go just at present, because I have not got a sovereign in the world. I was going to speak to you about money. You must let me have some."

"That I were dead," I corrected her. "The verb 'to wish, implying uncertainty, should always be followed by the conditional mood." "You ought," said Robina, "to be thankful to Providence that you're not dead." "People are sorry when you're dead," said Veronica. "I suppose there's some bread-and-cheese in the house," suggested Dick.

How long could she maintain existence on the market price of a three-volume novel? It was clear that, unless she was prepared to live on bread-and-cheese, she could not afford to re-write anything.

"What price bread-and-cheese games now?" she asked triumphantly. "Can I do magic, or can't I?" "You can; oh, you can!" said Kathleen. "May we may we touch?" asked Gerald. "All that's mine is yours," said the Princess, with a generous wave of her brown hand, and added quickly, "Only, of course, you mustn't take anything away with you." "We're not thieves!" said Jimmy.

To change your diet and mode of living suddenly, as some players do, is more calculated to upset you than to make you fitter for the ordeal. Common sense must of course be used. For instance, you should not eat a heavy meal just before playing. I generally prefer bread-and-cheese, a milk pudding of some sort, and perhaps a little fruit for lunch if I have a match, in the afternoon.

She turned to go back to Verner's Pride, Lionel intending to follow her at once. He was going out at the gate when he caught the pleased eyes of Lucy Tempest fixed on him. "I am so glad," she simply said. "Do you remember my telling you that you did not look like one who would have to starve on bread-and-cheese." Lionel laughed in the joy of his heart. "I am glad also, Lucy.

Now, please go, and a happy journey to you. How she wished his acknowledgments and faithful promises were over! He did hint something about refreshment, bread-and-cheese and beer, fare which he used to despise as 'decidedly low, but Charlotte was obdurate here, and at last he took his leave.

"Beg pardon, sir, but this must be forring money," said the landlady, turning a five-franc piece on her palm with suspicious curiosity. "Foreign! Is it possible?" The stranger dived again into his pocket, and apparently with some difficulty hunted out half-a-crown. "Sixpence more, if you please, sir; three brandies, and bread-and-cheese and the ale too, sir." "How stupid I am!

Yes; it's a great thing in a household. It's what I've had to enforce with my young ladies at Ashcombe. No wonder poor dear Mr. Gibson has been displeased at his dinner not being ready, and he so hard-worked! 'Papa doesn't care what he has, if it's only ready. He would take bread-and-cheese, if cook would only send it in instead of dinner. 'Bread-and-cheese! Does Mr. Gibson eat cheese?