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Updated: August 11, 2024

Some puir body's hur-rted bad ba-ad like a toad under a harrow," grunted Andrew, and scrambled hastily on over a gray barrier of rocks, the girls following. Once again it limped painfully up to them, the cry, like a visible, broken thing. "Help h-help, I say!" Then, feebly, in rock-bitten echo: "Help!" "We must lift him out of the mud!

"Fieldmouse an' Murphy," said Mose. "Huh-uh! 'At's a bad combination fo' us, boss, a ba-ad combination. 'Membeh Obadiah?" The Bald-faced Kid strolled into Isaiah's stall. "Chicken Liver's got it," he whispered. "I saw Weaver pass it to him." "That's what I've been waiting for, Frank," said Old Man Curry. "Here, Shanghai! You lead him out on the track.

"Mhm-hmh I thought so!" he ejaculated, staring severely at the elevators. "This is bad pret-ty darn bad! They musta done a tail-slide and pancaked. That's ba-ad." He removed the smokeless cigarette from his lips, looked at it, felt for a match, and shook his head slowly while he drew the match across a hot rock at his feet.

"Come, Jim Pink, what do you know?" he asked. The magician poked out his huge lips. "Mr. Bobbs turn acrost by de church, over de Big Hill. Da' 's always a ba-ad sign." Peter's brief interest in the matter flickered out. Another arrest for some niggerish peccadillo. The history of Niggertown was one long series of petty offenses, petty raids, and petty punishments.

Wan iv thim poked his head out to light his pipe, an' he was Well, well, Timothy, ye are quite a sthranger. Ah, dear oh me, that's too ba-ad, too ba-ad. I'll tell ye what ye do. Ye rub th' hand in half iv a potato, an' say tin pather an' avy's over it ivry day f'r tin days. 'Tis a sure cure. I had wan wanst. Th' kids are thrivin', I dinnaw? That's good.

"Iss, tu be zure, Benjamin Blake!" shouted Tom Pemberthy in answer, "an' 'twill be a ba-ad job fer more'n wan boat, I reckin, 'gainst marnin'!" Then Joe Clatworthy, whose opinions were valued highly in the settlement of all village disputes, so that he had earned for himself the nickname of "Clacking Joe," stood still as they once more turned their backs on the threatening sea, and said his say.

Besides, she added thoughtfully, reverting to his unlucky remark, 'haven't you a wife in China? "'I have two wifee in old countly, replied Ah Moy proudly, 'but I have none in 'Mellica not a single wifee no, not one! Ah Moy want 'Mellican wifee, so ba-ad, so ba-ad! he said plaintively. "Miss Cragiemuir was seized with a wild desire to shriek with laughter, but she wisely suppressed it.

Ain't done nothin' so very ba-ad, but seems like we-uns kain't git on. Some o' the white gentlemen dey got it in fo' me, an' it was either a case o' hidin' out er takin' a coat o' tar an' feathers. I reckoned I'd rather lay in de swamp a while. But, boss, I 'clar tuh Moses I'se mighty nigh starved tuh death, I is."

At first cotton-picking was interesting, the fluffy bolls looking like artificial roses and the stray blossoms strangely shaped and delicately pink. Sometimes a group of Negro pickers would chant in rich voices as they picked. "Da cotton want a-pickin' so ba-ad!" But it was astonishing to the Beechams to find how many aches they had and how few pounds of cotton when the day's picking was weighed.

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