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Updated: August 28, 2024

I honour the beautiful practice that is common in votre jeune Amerique; cela rappelle le siecle d'or. Can there be a tableau more delicieux than a couple unis under such circonstances?

Marks, and sixteen thousand St. Matthews, and sixty thousand St. Sebastians, and four millions of assorted monks, undesignated, and we feel encouraged to believe that when we have seen some more of these various pictures, and had a larger experience, we shall begin to take an absorbing interest in them like our cultivated countrymen from Amerique.

Plade, Pisgah and Simp, going together, and apparently a trifle the worse for the lunch; Freckle followed singly, having been told to keep at a distance to render the display more imposing; the landlady and her niece went arm in arm after, and behind them trode a little old hunchback gentleman, neatly clothed, and bearing in his hand a black, wooden cross, considerably higher than himself, on which was painted, in white letters, this inscription: CHRISTOPHER LEES, CAROLINA DU NORD, ÉTATS CONFÉDÉRE AMERIQUE. AGE VINGT-QUATRE.

Sho, now! Why, it's a better country than France." "Than France better!" cried Margot, lifting her hands and throwing up her eyes in amazement. "France! Monsieur, France is a heaven mais dees dees is different." "Why, what's the matter with America?" said Zac. "Amérique eet ees all full of de sauvage de Indian de wild men an' wild beasts an' desert."

An apostrophe indicates a short sounding of the preceding consonant. Proper Names Aisne Amerique Boche Charly Corbeille Coudert Fifine Jacqueline Jacques Jeanne d'Arc Marseillaise Meraut Pierre Rheims Varennes Vesle French Words and Phrases Abbe "Les Americains des Etats-Unis, duns l'uniforme de la France. Mais maintenant nous exterminons le Boche." Mille tonneurs! Que voulez-vous? Verger

"So he wrote to friends in Amérique, and made questions about Monsieur Holladay. He learned oh, he learned that he was ver' rich what you call a man of millions and that his daughter my daughter, monsieur was living still. From that moment, he was like a man possessed. At once he formed his plan, building I know not what hopes upon it.

Læflingii Petri iter Hispanicum. Stockholm, 1758. 8vo. This work, originally published in Swedish, was translated by C. Linnæus into German, under the following title: Reise nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und Amerika, 1751 56. Berlin, 1776. 8vo. It is chiefly valuable for its natural history information. Voyage en Amérique, en Italie, en Sicile, et en Egypte, 1816 19. 2 vols. 8vo.

Then he told me another amusing thing: At a ball at the Tuileries he said to a young American whose father he had met: "J'ai connu votre pere en Amerique. Est-ce qu'il vit encore?" And the young man, embarrassed and confused, answered, "Non, sire; pas encore." "It is so good," the Emperor said, "to have a laugh, especially to-day. All the afternoon I shall be plunged in affairs of state."

At last, some one better acquainted with the geography of this side of the globe added, "Nouvelle Amerique," and my letter reached me, via New York, in Christmas week, richly ornamented with postmarks, and protests from officials that it "came to them in that condition," tied together with two varieties of string, and frankly exhibiting its contents a pair of lace sleeves, which, but for the honesty of the mail service, might easily have been abstracted.

"Nous sommes en Amerique!" she murmured. The train jolted slowly on. An hour or two after midnight it stopped and a strange figure in turban and white robe peered in. "Complet! Complet!" cried the lady with the little girls. But the figure kept staring in, and, turning, chattered to others like him.

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