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"Doing?" exclaimed Barbara, "I haven't been doing anything, Uncle Pat." "Aw, go on, don't be tellin' me that. Aven Uncle Tex here can see that ye've changed ivery blissid thing in the place. 'Tis not the same, at all, an' afther us a-workin' our fingers to the bone to fix ut up. 'Tis quare. I know now that Tex hung that curtain there.

Custis, I reckon you'd better let him come in the tavern and take a little sperits; it'll strengthen his nerves an' make him drive better." As they drank at the old summer-resort bar, at that time in the height of its celebrity, and the only spa on the peninsula, south of the Brandywine Springs, Phoebus spoke low to the negro: "Dave, somethin' not squar and fair is a-workin' yer, by smoke!

Ben 'lows ez I talk six ways fur Sunday." "Ye dunno how I feel, not knowin' how ye be set towards me, an' hevin' ter see ye so seldom, a-workin' all the time down yander, a-moonshinin'" "I wouldn't talk 'bout it so turr'ble loud." She glanced apprehensively over her shoulder. "An' ye'd better quit it, ennyhows."

You cannot so far forget your duty as not to tell me how HE behaved at dinner." "He looked awful glum, and hardly said a word." "Ah-h!" exclaimed the widow, "the spell is working." "If you aint a-workin' tomorrow, there'll be a worse spell," the girl remarked. "That will do, Jane, that will do. You little understand how should you?

Would you like to come?" "Gee," returned the urchin, "I'll say I would." "Do you think your mother would be willing for you to go?" "Lord, yes ma, she ain't a-carin' where we kids are jest so's we ain't under her feet when she's a-workin'." "And could you find Maggie, do you think? Perhaps she would enjoy the ride, too." Bobby lifted up his voice in a shrill yell, "Mag! Oh oh Mag!"

A feller come an' looked the place over las' year an' said the pine forest would grind up inter paper an' the waterfall would do the grindin'. So he bought a mile o' forest an' built a mill, an' they do say things is hummin' up to the new settlement. There's more'n two hundred hands a-workin' there, a'ready."

"So your hen-food don't work, Pap?" Pap chuckled. "It's a-workin," he said, "and you can give me a dozen o' them eggs. And, say, you need't tell Sally." Billings laughed. "I'm on," he said. Pap put the bag of eggs back of the cracker-box, and put three of them in his pocket. When he reached home he quietly slipped around the house and deposited the three eggs in three nests, and went it.

He stood in the doorway, looking long and perplexedly towards Hazlan; he finally saw, he thought, just what the lad's trouble was. He could give him some comfort, and he got his chair and dragged it out to the door across the platform, and sat down in silence. "Isom," he said at last, "the Spent air shorely a-workin' ye, 'n' I'm glad of it.

I heard him say it yestiddy. What will ye do when he's gone ef ye lets yerself git to thinkin' so much of him now? I've warned ye now, Easter, fer yer own good, though ye mought think I'm a-workin' fer myself. But I know I hev done whut I ought. I've warned ye, 'n' ye kin do whut ye please, but I'm a-watchin' ye."

It's the stampin'-ground of trouble." Smoke made no reply, and for half an hour they toiled on in silence a silence that was again broken by Shorty. "She's a-workin'," he grumbled. "She's sure a-workin', an' I'll tell you if you're minded to hear an' listen." "Go on," Smoke answered.