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The folks as we'se a-workin' for said we must be plaguey keerful about the deetecters. I'll bet nun on 'em can't play it on my wife tho'. If they dew, they'll have to git up arly in the mornin'." With that he thrust his head out of the window, and yelled: "Sue, Sue!"

"Whar you been, June? Hurry up, now. You've had a long restin'-spell while I've been a-workin' myself to death." It was the old tone, and the old fierce rebellion rose within June, but Hale had told her to be patient. She could not check the flash from her eyes, but she shut her lips tight on the answer that sprang to them, and without a word she went to the kitchen for the milking-pails.

John Smauker, raising his hat gracefully with one hand, while he gently waved the other in a condescending manner. 'How do you do, Sir? 'Why, reasonably conwalessent, replied Sam. 'How do YOU find yourself, my dear feller? 'Only so so, said Mr. John Smauker. 'Ah, you've been a-workin' too hard, observed Sam.

It would take up their minds, and kep 'em out of vittles and other mischief. It wuz somethin' like providin' a circus for 'em. But howsumever, the Deacon wuz a-workin' at this; he wuzn't quite satisfied with its runnin' gear, and he wuz a-perfectin' this rat trap every leisure minute he had outside of his buzz saw and threshin' machine business, and so he wuz fearful busy.

He wuz jest a-countin' out his money prior to puttin' it away in his tin box, and I laid the subject before him strong and eloquent, jest the wants and needs of the meetin' house, and jest how hard we female sisters wuz a-workin', and jest how much we needed some money to buy our ingregiencies with for the fair. He set still, a-countin' out his money, but I know he heard me.

'Tis nature, as the Almighty 'as planted deep in our hearts, a-workin' in the wust of us and in the best of us alike. Why, 'tis the same thing, that hankering, we some of us has for a further-away home still, the homeland beyond. As Binks leant on his spade, and pushed back his straw hat to gaze over the blue waters to the misty, far-off horizon, a softer look stole over the wrinkled face.

"Sam's all right, Bob," said one who had laughed. "His heart is in the right place." "Sure he is," agreed Bob. "But I sometimes can't help thinkin', just the same, that if I was a-ownin' and a-workin' slaves, I'd consider him a mighty poor piece of property."

It's Providence a-workin'. "'Cording to my notion the sunflower looked more like an agent from t'other end of the line than one from Providence, but just then he commenced to yell for us and upstairs we went, Jonadab first. "'Whisht! says the checkerboard, holdin' on to Jonadab's collar and swingin' back and forth.

"I certainly can't refuse, after such a compliment to my singing," she laughed back. "It almost tempts me tew try hitchin' up myself, tew see them tew a-workin' tewgether as happy as tew nestin' birds," grinned Ham, as our friends, after a few minutes' longer talk with the joyful and fortunate couple, continued on their way.

But ye mus 'n t worry about the penalty a-fallin' on Rome. Steve Marcum killed Jass he can't fool me 'n' I've told Steve he's got thet penalty to pay ef he gits up this trouble. I'm glad the Spent's a-workin' ye, but ye mus'n' t worry 'bout Rome." Isom rose suddenly on one elbow, and with a moan lay back and crossed his arms over his face. Old Gabe turned and left him. "Git up, Isom."