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Updated: August 26, 2024

Several other men sat about, and there was loud laughter, under which the lean youth looked sheepishly angry. "'Tarn't no good, Sammy, lad," some one was saying, "you a-makin' after Nancy Webb she'll ha' nowt to do with 'ee." "Don' like 'em so thread-papery," added another. "No, Sammy, you aren't the lad for she. I see her " "What about Nancy Webb?" asked Kentish, pushing open the door.

I expect they think they have a little too much blood in 'em for work, for they are near about as proud as they are lazy. "Now the bees know how to sarve out such chaps, for they have their drones too. Well they reckon it's no fun, a-makin' honey all summer, for these idle critters to eat all winter, so they give 'em Lynch Law.

And then she ketched a sight of the alpacker dress Jenette wuz a-makin' and she said "that basks had gone out." But Trueman's wife ground her right down on it. "Basks wuz out, fer she knew it, she had all her new ones made polenay." And then Mother Charnick flared right up and took Jenette's part.

And I thought to myself, if the Jonesvillians could see jest how she looked, and he too, it would be apt to make a excitement. How many times did I digest this great truth while on my tower! How little we know sometimes what a appearance we are a-makin' before men and angels, when we think we are a-doin' sunthin' wonderful!

She's a-makin' out bills fur them as 'ad washin' done, bless her 'eart for a clever beauty." "How is business?" asked Paul, entering the gate, which Deborah opened. "Bless you, Mr.

I'd a-killed her, sure, if Mr. Burns hadn't a-come just when he did. I can't rightly tell how hit was, but hit seemed like there was somethin' inside of me what was a-makin' me do hit, an' I couldn't, somehow, help myself. An' an' that ain't all, ma'm; I done worse'n that," she continued in a low, moaning wail. "Oh, my God-A'mighty! Why didn't Mr.

I'm jest a-makin' a righteousness of it. And Cerinthy Ann she come out, declarin' that the best folks never had no comfort in religion; and for her part she didn't mean to trouble her head about it, but have jest as good a time as she could while she's young, 'cause if she was 'lected to be saved she should be, and if she wa'n't she couldn't help it, any how." "Mr. Brown says he came onto Dr.

No, sir; I ain't never fooled myself ary bit like that, Mr. Burns. But hit ain't a-makin' no difference how ugly an' crooked an' no 'count I be outside; the inside of me is a-lovin' you like she never could, ner nobody else, I reckon.

Abe had opened his eyes and was once more staring at the other, his mind slowly coming to the light of the realization that Samuel might be more sane than himself. "That's what I told Angy all along," he ventured. "I told her, I says, says I, 'Humbug! Foolishness! Ye 're a-makin' a reg'lar baby of me.

When the priest went out, Sam rested again for a moment, and then murmured to himself, "Two ministers an' one doctor, all good people, tryin' to show me the way I should go, an' to tell me what I should do, an' me a-makin' only about a dollar a day! I s'pose it's all right, or they wouldn't do it."

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