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And I sez soothin'ly: "Like as not and 'tennyrate how I would love to hear Snip bark out a welcome to us once more." "Yes," sez Josiah, "it will be the happiest hour of my life when I behold Snip and the cat and the children and grandchildren and the rest of the Jonesvillians once more."

The Japanese are a child-like people easily pleased, easily grieved laughin' and cryin' jest like children. They work all day, not fast enough to hurt 'em, and at nightfall they go out and play all sorts of native games. That's a good idee. I wish that Jonesvillians would foller it. You'd much better be shootin' arrers from blowpipes than to blow round and jaw your household.

The two foreign deacons from 'way beyond Jonesville, Deacon Keeler and Deacon Huffer, and our own three Jonesvillians Deacon Henzy, Deacon Sypher, and my own particular Deacon, Josiah Allen.

And I can't understand now, why a thing that made Letitia so populer, makes me a perfect outcast. Hain't we both human bein's human Methodists and Jonesvillians?" Says he, in despairin', agonized tone, "I can't see through it." Says I soothenly, "Don't worry about that, Josiah, for nobody can. It is too deep a conundrum to be seen through: nobody has ever seen through it."

Josiah wuz in real good sperits, I laid it partly to the tea, it wuz real stimulating; Josiah said that it beat all that the Chinese wuz so blinded and out of the way as to do things so different from what they did in Jonesville. "But," sez he, "they're politer on the outside than the Jonesvillians, even down to the coolers." Sez I, "Do you mean the coolies?"

I see quite a number of the Japans there, pretty, small-bonded folks, with faces kinder yellowish brown, dark eyes sot considerable fur back in their heads, their noses not Romans by any means quite the reverse and their hair glossy and dark, little hands and feet. Some on 'em wuz dressed like Jonesvillians, but others had their queer-shaped clothin', and dretful ornamental.

And I gin a deep, happy sithe after I shot the door behind her, and I sez to Josiah I do hope that's the very last errent we will have to carry to Washington, D.C., for the Jonesvillians. "Yes," says he, "an' I guess I will get a fresh pail of water and hang on the tea kettle for you." "And," I says, "it's pretty early for supper, but I'll start it, for I do feel kinder gone to the stomach.

"Josiah believes it, and Dorlesky Burpy, and lots of other Jonesvillians." Says I, "To set down in a chair that an angel has jest vacated, a high chair under the full glare of critical inspection, is a tegus place. I don't s'pose Garfield was really an angel, but his sufferin's and martyrdom placed him almost in that light before the world. "And you have filled that chair, and filled it well.

Though some of the Jonesvillians felt different. The Creation Searchin' Society wuz dretful exercised about it. The President's stepma is a strong She Aunty and has always ruled Philander with an iron hand. I've always noticed that women who didn't want any rights always took the right to have their own way. But 'tennyrate Philander come up a very strong He Aunty.

"Life has been a burden to me ever sense that appeared in 'The Gimlet. Tongue can't tell the way them Jonesvillians has sneered and jeered at me, and run me down, and sot on me." I sithed, and remained a few moments almost lost in thought; and then says I, "Now, if you are more composed and gathered together, will you tell your companion how you come to write it? what you did it for?"