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"Why, luke at this 'ere town," continued he of the sieve, "the grass be a-growing in the very streets; that can't be no gude. Why, luke 'ee here, zur; I do be a-standing at this 'ere gateway, just this way, hour arter hour, and my heyes is hopen mostly; I zees who's a-coming and who's a-going. Nobody's a-coming and nobody's a-going; that can't be no gude.

It was nearer than he thought; and yet when a voice, apparently a very little way off, called out, as if in answer to his unspoken appeal "I'm a-coming. Don't ye be afeared," he started with new terror. "A snake! Oh, sister, can it be a snake?" he cried wildly, for there was nothing to be seen.

"Leave him alone, I know what he's a-coming to," Altamont said, laughing to Strong, who remonstrated with him, "and leave me alone; I know what I'm a-telling, very well. I was officer on board an Indiaman, so I was; I traded to New South Wales, so I did, in a ship of my own, and lost her. I became officer to the Nawaub, so I did; only me and my royal master have had a difference, Strong that's it.

Twinkling at her, he managed, somewhat magically, to dispel her temper of pessimism, and she was moved to reply: "You know you were having a beautiful time, all by yourself." "A beautiful time, is it? Maybe it's because I was dreaming of some young lady a-coming to pay me a visit." "Well, dreams never come up to expectations, do they?" "Then it's dreaming I am, still," retorted Mr.

The other prisoners had better usage; two of them were kept pinioned indeed, because the captain was not free to trust them; but the other two were taken into my service upon their captain's recommendation, and upon their solemnly engaging to live and die with us; so, with them and the three honest men, we were seven men well armed; and I made no doubt we should be able to deal well enough with the ten that were a-coming, considering that the captain had said, there were three or four honest men among them also.

"Oh, but I'll make her!" said Polly. And she did exert her influence as follows: "Lookee here, the cousin's a-coming to-morrow and I've been and promised he should see you." "What did you do that for?" "Why, he's a well-looking chap, and a beautiful color, fresh from the country, like me. And he's a gentleman, and got an estate belike; and why not put yourn to hisn, and so marry him and be a lady?

And when I see a cyclone a-coming I can generally tell it a long way off." "When is it going to get here?" Brownie asked in a quavering voice. "Next Tuesday!" Grandaddy replied. "What makes you think it's coming?" "Well everything looks just the way it did before the last cyclone," Grandaddy Beaver explained, as he took a mouthful of willow bark.

The upper half of his sharp, dogged visage seems of a brick-red leather, the brow of badger's fur, and, as he claps Drake on the back, with a broad Devon accent he shouts, 'Be you a-coming to drink your wine, Francis Drake, or be you not? saving your presence my lord. The lord high admiral only laughs, and bids Drake go and drink his wine, for John Hawkins, admiral of the fleet, is the patriarch of Plymouth seamen, if Drake is the hero.

"I ain't going to tell you," Vincent said doggedly "Mother said I wasn't to tell no one where I lived, else the Yankee thieves would be a-coming down and stealing the rest of our chickens." The officers laughed. "Well, go along, boy; and I should advise you not to say anything about Yankee thieves another time, for likely enough you will get a broken head for your pains."

"I've felt it. I knew all the time it was a-coming and then it came." It seemed to be all there. Why must she say any more? But still Aunt Olivia waited, and Rebecca Mary read grim displeasure in capitals across the gray field of her face. The little figure stiffened more and more.