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So far as they could see, the man had done no damage either to their houses or to the dam. But people felt a bit uneasy just the same, until old Grandaddy Beaver looked all around and reported that the man had set no traps. You see, Grandaddy knew a great deal about traps. He had been caught in one when he was young.

"His name am Belton Piedmont, arter his grandaddy." "Well, Hannah, I am very pleased to receive your brat. He shall not want for attention," he added, in a tone accompanied by a lurking look of hate that made Mrs. Piedmont shudder and long to have her boy at home again. Her desire for his training was so great that she surmounted her misgivings and carried out her purposes to have him enrolled.

"Brag 'll kill him if I leave him here and your grandpa won't let him in." "Grandaddy 'll not be saying anything," whispered Eppie. "Jist be slippin' in by." As they approached the big knotted stick, Miss Gordon, leading Jamie by the hand, passed in ahead of them. Sandy lowered his stick and made a profound bow.

Elizabeth and Rosie had one letter from Eppie. They were living in Cheemaun, she said, and grandaddy was working in a big garden nearby and she was going to a great school where there were six teachers. Elizabeth's sorrow changed to admiration and envy; and soon the excitement of having a new teacher drove Eppie from her mind.

In the houses where the water had climbed above the bedroom floors the people all agreed that it was a freshet and that Grandaddy Beaver had been right all the time. But there were still plenty of people who thought the old gentleman was mistaken. "The water won't come any higher," they said. "It never has, at this time of year." But they looked a bit worried, in spite of what they said.

He had met her on the street one day last autumn and for a long while he had done everything to help them. He had found a place where grandaddy could board, and got work for her again and again. But she had always failed.

And when I see a cyclone a-coming I can generally tell it a long way off." "When is it going to get here?" Brownie asked in a quavering voice. "Next Tuesday!" Grandaddy replied. "What makes you think it's coming?" "Well everything looks just the way it did before the last cyclone," Grandaddy Beaver explained, as he took a mouthful of willow bark.

"I don't know about that," said Brady. "There was a woman murdered over on the prairie near Brighton her throat was cut from ear to ear, and " "Shut up," snapped Bradley. "My grandaddy used to live down Coppington wy," said Tippet. "They were a hold ruined castle on a 'ill near by, hand at midnight they used to see pale blue lights through the windows an 'ear "

For there was a very old gentleman in the village known as Grandaddy Beaver who began to worry almost as soon as it began to rain. "We're a-going to have a freshet," he said to everybody he met. "I've seen 'em start many a time and I can always tell a freshet almost as soon as I see it coming." Grandaddy Beaver's friends paid no heed to his warning.

And many people thought that he had swum up inside his house, where he could get air, without being seen. But no one could prove it; so he won the race, just the same. Next came the tree-felling contest. There were six, including Brownie Beaver, that took part in it. Grandaddy Beaver had picked out six trees of exactly the same size.