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"It's too lovely for words," breathed Constance, her admiring gaze fastened upon the once dingy corner now bright with the flowers of love and generosity, which had bloomed in all shapes and sizes of packages to gladden one youngster's heart. "I wish I could be here when first he sees it," commented Marjorie. "I'll be fast asleep then, for he told me that Mr.

"I'll bet you ain't goin' over, then," he added cynically. "Of course I wouldn't butt in on the young ladies' day together," returned John. Benny's recital had touched him, but he could not forbear a smile at the youngster's courage of conviction. "I tell you, I'm the aggrieved party in this matter," he added. "Oh, git out," returned the boy.

"And I didn't do anything last night, that I am ashamed to own." "No impudence!" exclaim'd the teacher, passionately, as he grasp'd a long and heavy ratan: "give me none of your sharp speeches, or I'll thrash you till you beg like a dog." The youngster's face paled a little; his lip quiver'd, but he did not speak.

Many of the tricks are quite commonplace and transparent even to a novice. For example, he mixes red, yellow, and white powders together in a tumbler of water and swallows the mixture, making, of course, a wry face, as though taking a dose of bitter medicine. He then calls a boy from among the by-standers and blows first red powder, then yellow, then white into the youngster's face.

Farther on, halfway the length of Bath Bay, was a large flat rock, which stood at high-tide two feet above water. Its sides were almost perpendicular, and were made accessible in the same way as "Youngster's Wharf." By that name those who could already swim called our staging near the beach.

But what she shrank from was his resolve to save Bessy's life a resolve fortified to the point of exasperation by the scepticism of the consulting surgeons, who saw in it only the youngster's natural desire to distinguish himself by performing a feat which his elders deemed impossible. As the days dragged on, and Bessy's sufferings increased, Justine longed for a protesting word from Dr.

Bartley surmised that there was some good reason for Cheyenne's silence on that subject and because it was obvious that there was a good reason, Bartley accepted the youngster's presence in a matter-of-fact manner, as though he had known all along that Cheyenne had a son. In fact, Cheyenne had not stopped to think about it at all. If he had, he would have reasoned that Bartley had heard about it.

In return he was always at any youngster's service in a trigonometrical problem; and he amused the midshipmen and young lieutenants with analytical tests; some of these were applicable to certain liquids dispensed by the paymaster. Under one of them the port wine assumed some very droll colors and appearances not proper to grape-juice.

"Now, don't try to fool me, Drew," warned Tom, with a mild shake administered to the youngster's shoulders. "How much tobacco have you?" "A whole package," admitted Alf reluctantly, feeling that it would be of no use to try to deceive his employer. "And plenty of papers to go with it?" "Ye-es." "You got it from four men?" "No; I didn't." "Well, from one of four men, then? Tell me the truth."

The horseman was out of the saddle in a twinkling, and walked quickly to the woodshed, whose cracks were so numerous that it was easy to see every part of the interior. Placing his eyes at one of these openings, he peered through. "By George, boys!" he exclaimed, turning about, "the youngster's right; Tippo is in there." The others hastily dismounted, tied their horses, and joined him.