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And with no more clothing on than is provided for in the statutes, sitting in all the windies, with a cool growler in every one, and your feet out in the air, and the Rosenstein girls singing on the fire-escape of the sixth floor, and Patsy Rourke's flute going in the eighth, and the ladies calling each other synonyms out the windie, and now and then a breeze sailing in over Mister Depew's Central I tell you the Beersheba Flats was a summer resort that made the Catskills look like a hole in the ground.

I'll shut tae the windie and grup the figure here on the bed. I could not disobey, but I trembled horribly as I crawled slowly forth upon the plank. The minister had sat himself down by the bedside, and was reading aloud by the light of the 'bowet' from out of Genesis of Jacob's wrestling all night long with the angel of God. I could hear his voice as I slithered slowly across my plank of dread.

His idee was for us two to get out of the windie, and up on the platform, and to take the bedcord, and other things, and slide down upon the ground and we did it! As sure as yer honour and the sarjeant is there, we did that same, and no bones broke! 'Well, says I, 'Nick, ye're here, sure enough, but how do you mane to get out of here?

'See, there's the licht i' the windie showing fine. As soon as they were within doors the Minister placed his trembling companion in the old leathern chair in his little sanctum, made up the fire, and poured him out a glass of whisky with hot water from the kettle that was opportunely ready on the hob.

And yon wee light tables dinna lose their legs just with being cowped, supposing there was nothing else than that to smash them. No, sir, it was poor Sir Reginald falling on top of it that smashed yon leg." "Then he was certainly struck down near the window!" "Well, we'll see that in a minute. It's no in reason, Mr. Cromarty, to suppose he deliberately opened the windie to let his ain murderer in.

'The kirk disna care aboot organs, and the folk hereawa are hardy and winna want ony heatin', he replied slowly; then with the twinkle in his eye he explained further, 'No, that is for pleesure purposes. He reflected a moment or two profoundly, then with a happy inspiration suggested an alternative. 'A stained-glass windie micht be a guid an' righteous gift, I'm thinkin'.

You saw how I threw myself down quite carelessly and yet my coat wasn't pulled up like that." "God, sir!" cried the butler. "You mean the corp had been pulled along the floor by the shoulders!" Carrington nodded. "Then he had been killed near the windie!" "Not too fast, not too fast!" smiled Carrington.

"Thin come a foine loud rattle av glass, an' out t'rough a windie come th' half av a chair, follyed be a len'th av shtovepoipe an' a grane glass wather-pitcher. "Fer me own part, Oi'd seed such loike brick-a-brack befoor, an' besides Oi remimbered a dhrink Oi hadn't tuk earlier in th' evenin', so Oi shtarted workin' me way to th' back av th' crowd, th' bether some wan ilse c'd see.

When we came down there were bonfires an' bell-ringings, an' cheerings, an' mostly every windie wi' a lit candle, maybe twa-three, in it. The leddies, an' they're nae bad-lookin' lassies either, had bunches o' plaid ribbons in their bosoms an' this I hae from Maclachlan plaid gairters to their stockings."

This is the first; and it manes let the captain into the sacret of your retrait; and how you got out of the windie, and how you comes near to breaking yer neck by a fall becaase of the fut's slipping; and how ye wint down the roof by a rope, the divil a bit fastening it to yer neck, but houlding it in yer hand with sich a grip as if 'twere the fait' of the church itself; and how Nick led ye to the hole out of which ye hot' wint, as if ye had been two cats going t'rough a door!"