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"No illustrations, eh?" he commented. "Well, old boy, what's it worth? Speak up! We're willing to give you a fair price, though why I don't know." "One hundred dollars," said Merlin with a frown. The young man gave a startled whistle. "Whew! Come on. You're not dealing with somebody from the cornbelt.

Putter's best robe about her feet, the mare leaped forward, and they were off, out of the circle and flying up the hill on the hard snow-tracks. "Whew!" exclaimed Victoria, "what a relief! Are you staying in that dear little house?" she asked, with a glance at the Widow Peasley's. "Yes," said Austen. "I wish I were." He looked at her shyly.

Bob's pencil fairly flew over the paper, and for five minutes there was no sound in the room save the strident buzz of the sender and the whisper of Bob's pencil as it moved rapidly over the paper. Then, "Time," called Herb, and Bob threw down the pencil. "Whew!" he exclaimed, reaching for a handkerchief. "That's pretty hot work, if any one should ask you.

A reward of $5,000 has been offered by the father for any information which may lead to the discovery of the whereabouts of his son." "Whew!" exclaimed Curlie, mopping his brow. "What a rumpus!" Suddenly he sat up straight. "Doesn't say one word about that wireless apparatus in the car. How about that?" He sat with wrinkled brow for a moment. "Ah!" he slapped his knee, "I have it!

"Did did this Corot feller get as much for every job as he did for this?" "I presume so. I know father considered this one a bargain." "Did, hey? Humph! I ought to know enough by this time not to believe all I hear, but I kind of had an idea that picture paintin' was starvation work. I've read about artists committin' suicide, and livin' in attics, and such. Whew!

A special waiter was stationed to head off reporters or other curious people who might attempt to interview the submarine diners. So the meal proceeded in peace, though it was rather late when the diners finished. "Whew! Nearly nine o'clock," muttered Farnum, glancing up at a big clock on a near-by wall. "And I haven't been out to the hospital, to-day, to see how Dave is coming along."

"It's no use talking; you can't get ahead of Miss Preston," said one of the older girls. "You may think you have, and feel aglow clear down to the cockles of your heart, then whew! in she walks upon you as cool as " "Ice cream!" burst in another girl. "To my dying day, girls, I shall never forget that red ghost." "How did she ever find it out, I'd like to know," asked Toinette.

Every now and then their bugles played a flourish, as if to defy us. I sent my two leading squadrons at them. Whew! Instead of breaking the front of the square, my dragoons passed along the sides, wheeled, and came back in great disorder, and with several riderless horses and all the time those cursed bugles went on playing.

"Oh! perhaps I'll sleep, and not look in the mornin' like that beastly tallow, Mr. Paricles says I spent such a lot of money on, speculator whew, I hate ut! and hemp too! Me! Martha Chump! Do I want to hang myself, and burn forty thousand pounds worth o' candles round my corpse danglin' there? Now, there, now! Is that sense? And what'd Pole want to buy me all that grease for?

I do not know where your daughter is, but if she is on earth I will find her and bring her back to your home; not for your sake, but for hers. Now go. Get out. The very atmosphere is foul with your rotten hypocrisy." "Whew!" whistled George a moment later, as he Stepped into the room, having passed Adam on the stairway. "What's the matter with his Royal Highness, Dickie?