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The chill air of early morning wiped the blistering epithets from his lips as he fled like a madman down Fifth Avenue, at every stride wringing from the depths of an embittered bosom new and more virulent terms of vituperation with which to characterize his infatuated stupidity and finding one and all far too mild.

When the man had gone he once more addressed Sherman: "Wool absolutely refuses to provide the militia with arms." Terry's fist smote the table with a crash. A stream of vituperation issued from his lips. General Wool, the Vigilance Committee and Admiral Farragut were vilified in terms so crude that even the other men surveyed the Chief Justice with distaste. Sherman turned to the door.

When some polite formalities had been exchanged, and some easy vituperation of a backward season offered by each of the parties, Tom Wingate approached the subject. "Sorter dropped heavy on Jack Hamlin the other night, didn't ye? He allows you didn't give him no show for revenge. I said you wasn't no such d d fool; didn't I, Dick?" continued the artful Wingate, appealing to a confederate.

And as he fired his last word Toby dashed his spurs into the flanks of his jaded horse, and galloped out of reach of the tide of vituperation he knew full well to be flowing in his wake. Suffering Creek was again in a state of ferment. It seemed as if there were nothing but one excitement after another in the place now.

The feet of hurrying orderlies beat upon the parade-ground, the windows of the Officers' Club blazed defiantly, and from the darkened quarters of the enlisted men came the sound of voices snarling in violent vituperation. At midnight, half of Ranson's troop, having attacked the rest of the regiment with cavalry-boots, were marched under arrest to the guard-house.

Giuseppi burst into a torrent of vituperation at the carelessness of the gondoliers who had so nearly run into them, but Francis silenced him at once. "Row, Giuseppi. It was done on purpose. It is the gondola the other spoke to." Their assailant was turning also, and in a few seconds was in pursuit. Francis understood it now.

The company came, the courts came, the hospital came, the churches came, and Chena woke up from its dreams of easy wealth to find itself and its manifold natural advantages passed by and ignored and the big town firmly established elsewhere. How well I remember the virulent little newspaper published at Chena in those days and the bitterness and vituperation it used to pour out week by week!

The flood of vituperation rushed on for what seemed an interminable period, while the Queen blushed scarlet, the Princess burst into tears, and the hundred guests sat aghast. The Duchess said not a word until the tirade was over and the company had retired; then in a tornado of rage and mortification, she called for her carriage and announced her immediate return to Kensington.

Maurice had expected yes, what had he expected? anger, perhaps, or denial, or, it might be, vituperation; only not the almost impartial composure with which she listened to him. For he had not spared her a word. "Is that all you've got to say?" he cried, suffocated with doubt. "Then you ... you admit it?" "Admit it! Maurice! Are you crazy? to wake me up for this! It happened YEARS ago!"

I must have the pleasure of looking natural sometimes, without causing any vituperation of any one beyond seas. 'You shall look just as you please if you will only stay. We are just going to dinner. 'Thank you, let me come to-morrow. I shall be better company when I have had my sulk out.