Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: October 21, 2024
But ere I could realize what had happened, again the blistering heat of fire that ran along the walls of the room caused me to stagger to my feet. Then as I gazed around, through a haze of smoke illumined by fitful, flickering gleams of ruddy radiance, all of a sudden came remembrance of the deadly assault and comprehension of my present danger.
They kept edging up in that direction, as crowds will, though they knew the danger they would incur if the artillery opened. The day was broiling hot. The sun shot his perpendicular rays down with blistering fierceness, and the densely packed, motionless crowds made the heat almost insupportable. Key took up his position inside the square to direct matters.
Like a kiln open to the hot glare from a brassy sky or an oven where the July caloric blazed like a blast from the open mouth of a retort such that day seemed Moosac Square in the heart of the cotton-mill city. High buildings closed in its treeless, ill-paved, dirty area. The air, made blistering by the torch of the sun, beat back and forth between the buildings in shimmering waves.
The old man's dreamy eyes were fixed with a sort of animal content on the winding road that disappeared in the rise of the gap. If was his boast that God Almighty never made a day too hot for him, and to the marrow of them his rheumatic bones felt and savoured the comfort of this blistering weather.
A job to the 3rd Division on our right and another in pursuit of an errant officer, and then a sweaty and exiguous lunch it was a sweltering noon seated on a blistering pavement. Soon after lunch three of us were sent on to Mortcerf, a village on a hill to the north of the forest.
This test is so delicate as to show the 1/25000 of a grain of the alkaloid. =Brucine.= This alkaloid, found associated with strychnine, possesses the same properties, though in a less powerful degree. Nitric acid gives a blood-red colour, changed to purple with protochloride of tin. =Cantharides.= Spanish fly, or blistering beetle, is the basis of most of the blistering preparations.
You wouldn't think so if you had heard what he said to his horse, Rabbit, just about an hour before you were introduced to him. Rabbit, it seems had been pacing along, half asleep in the blistering heat of midday, among the cactus and the greasewood and those depressing, yellowish weeds that pretend to be clothing the desert with verdure, when they are merely emphasizing its barrenness.
Growing on the blistering rocks, with roots, down in the crevices, was a lowly vine, or rather a diffuse, creeping shrub with myrtle-like leaves and racemes of white flowers. "That fella wild dynamite," said Mickie, as he tore up several strands of the plant and bunched them, leaves and all, in his hand.
With equal suddenness the targets swing up again. Crack! An uncontrolled spirit has loosed off his rifle before it has reached his shoulder. Blistering reproof follows. Then, after three or four seconds, comes a perfect salvo all down the line. At the dentist's Time crawls; in snap-shooting contests he sprints.
I heard them fiddling with the door of the dovecote and for one horrid moment I fancied they were coming up. Then they thought better of it, and went back to the house. All that long blistering afternoon I lay baking on the rooftop. Thirst was my chief torment. My tongue was like a stick, and to make it worse I could hear the cool drip of water from the mill-lade.
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