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"He did manage fer ter scramble out, but a little mo' en de Mud Turkle would er got 'im, en den he'd er bin made hash un worl' widout een'." "ATTER Brer Fox hear 'bout how Brer Rabbit done Brer Wolf," said Uncle Remus, scratching his head with the point of his awl, 'he 'low, he did, dat he better not be so brash, en he sorter let Brer Rabbit 'lone.

Turkle, and in answer to the warning of those about him, he declared in a maudlin tone, that he "Warn't goin' to keep silence." "I got 's much right to talk 's anyone, and I'ma goin' to talk 's much 's I please." His friends tried to silence him, and the Sheriff made his way through the crowd and endeavored to induce him to leave the court-room. But it was to no purpose.

I kissed her warmly right there in China and promised to make her a all day's visit soon as I got home, I'm lottin' on't. We talked a little about past troubles caused by Jabezeses and inventions, and the glories of the Fair, and then they strolled off happy as two turkle doves, not needin' or desirin' any other company than their own, and showin' it plain by their actions.

I was in dis very room; but I hadn't lighted up de lamps, so I was in 'parative darkness, and de big hall was in 'parative light; so dey couldn't see me, but I could see dem, when dey come into de big hall, her and my lordship. And I seen her how she look at him, and smile on him, and coo over him like any turkle dove, as no 'spectable lady would ever do.

Then as if to atone for his rudeness, he caught the Sheriff roughly by the arm and pulled him toward him: "Aleck, how 's the case goin'? Is Mandy a goin' to win? Is that old rascal rulin' right!" The Sheriff urged something in a low voice, but Turkle would not be silenced.

"He 's drunk himself I don't mean that, I mean you 're drunk oh, no I mean I'm drunk. Everybody 's drunk." "Yes, you 've gone and called me a drunkard before the Court. Now I 'm goin' to show you." Thompson rattled his big keys again savagely. Turkle caught him with both hands. "Oh, Aleck, don't talk that a-way," he pleaded in a tremulous voice. "Don't talk that a-way!"

If Dick chooses to let you get him drunk and make a beast and a fool of him and drag him up before the Court like a a like that drunkard, Jim Turkle, what don't know how to behave himself seemly in Court, and Circuit Court at that he may; but I 'll let you know, I'm not goin' to do it. I don't mean the Judge to think my husband's a thing like that. I mean to set him right.

So dar dey wuz, de Crawfishes, en dey didn't know w'at minnit wuz gwineter be de nex'; en dey kep' on gittin madder en madder en skeerder en skeerder, twel bimeby dey gun de wink ter de Mud Turkle en de Spring Lizzud, en den dey bo'd little holes in de groun' en went down outer sight." "Who did, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy. "De Crawfishes, honey.

The operation seemed to be performed mostly with the hind feet, and was accomplished in a remarkably short time, considering the implements used. All the party were breathing hard, and, as Sandy afterward remarked, "The only reason de turkle didn't go was it t'ought we'se porpuses."

But, bless grashus! sech a racket wuz a gwine on dat nobody ain't hear it, 'ceppin' maybe de Mud Turkle en de Spring Lizzud, en dere enfloons wuz pow'ful lackin'. "Bimeby, w'iles de Nunicorn wuz 'sputin' wid de Lion, en w'ile de Hyener wuz a laughin' ter hisse'f, de Elephant squshed anudder one er de Crawfishes, en a little mo'n he'd er ruint de Mud Turkle.