United States or Poland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It's barely possible that some of this here new crop of your well-wishers and admirers will be makin' little business propositions to you desirin' to have you go partners with 'em in business, or to sell you desirable pieces of real estate; or even to let you loan 'em various sums of money.

I kissed her warmly right there in China and promised to make her a all day's visit soon as I got home, I'm lottin' on't. We talked a little about past troubles caused by Jabezeses and inventions, and the glories of the Fair, and then they strolled off happy as two turkle doves, not needin' or desirin' any other company than their own, and showin' it plain by their actions.

"I wouldn't trust him a yard." "Believe me, he doesn't wish you to. He's far too clever to desire the impossible." "Then he can stop desirin' you." "Don't be insulting, Fritz. Remember that by birth you are a gentleman." Lord Holme bit through his cigarette. "Sometimes I wish you were an ugly woman," he muttered. "And if I were?"

The fact is, I'm tired of it, an' want a change." "Very good, all right, an' what's to hinder my going with you? I'm fond o' change myself. I'd as soon go one way as another." Dick shook his head. "It's o' no use, March, I've my own reasons for desirin' to travel alone. The thing cannot be." This was said in such a decided tone that March looked at Mary in dismay.

The voters moved to the front, and as they deposited their ballots, sounds from without, indicating excitement and delight, were carried through the windows to their ears. The fifty-two voted and returned to their seats. "If everybody present and desirin' to vote has done so," said Scattergood, "I move you them polls be closed." Mr. Pilkinton put the motion, and it was carried with enthusiasm.

An' she led the way into another room, whither I followed her, in the hope o' getting an explanation o' the singular scene which had just taken place; an' this explanation I did get. On our entering the apartment, my conductress shut the door, an', desirin me to tak a seat, thus began "Dear me, Mr. Smith, but this is a most extraordinar, an' I maun say, a most unlucky affair.

They are going to bring you some flowers." "And a testimonial with a purse of gold," suggested Croucher, the youngest of the flyers. "A'm no' desirin' popularity," said Tam modestly, "'tis against ma principles to accept any other presents than seegairs, and even these A'm loath to accept unless they're good ones."

"Thank you, sir, whoever you are; but I tell you it's no lie; and he was here, and left that boy wid me, desirin' me to let him come to no injury, for that " and this was an addition of her own, "there was hundreds offered for the takin' of him." "Why, what did he do, did you hear?"

Pride o' fambly, suh. What might you be desirin' now, Mars' Ormond? One li'l drap o' musk on yoh hanker? Lawd save us, but you sho' is gallus dishyere day! Spec' Miss Dorry gwine blink de vi'lets in her eyes. Yaas, suh. Miss Dorry am de only one, suh; de onliest Ormond in dishyere fambly. Seem mos' lak she done throw back to our folk, suh.

Barton, bein' as you've five maid daughters that's not so by their desirin', folks do say as knows." Mud throwers should be careful to wear gloves, their ammunition is sticky. September 10.