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Tressider had been able to find out only that John was born in the town of Hartberg in a certain year. This was enough. I took leave of absence for a few days and went to Hartberg, which, as you know, is about 140 miles from here. Three days later I knew all that I wanted to know. John Siders was not the man's real name, or, rather, it was only part of his name.

Barnabas hesitated, and this history might have been very different in the ending but, even as he met the Viscount's frank and anxious look, the door was flung wide and Tressider, the thinnish, youngish gentleman in sandy whiskers, rushed in, followed by the Marquis and three or four other fine gentlemen, and, beholding the Viscount, burst into a torrent of speech: "Ha!

Well in advance of the survivors the Viscount is going strong, with Slingsby and the Marquis knee and knee behind; next rides Carnaby with two others, while Tressider, the thinnish, youngish gentleman, brings up the rear. Inch by inch Barnabas gains upon him, draws level and is past, and so "The Terror" once more sees before him Sir Mortimer's galloping gray.

Far in advance races Tressider, the thinnish, youngish gentleman in sandy whiskers, hotly pressed by the Marquis, and with eight or nine others hard in their rear; behind these again, rides the Viscount, while to the right of Barnabas races Slingsby on his long-legged sorrel, with the rest thundering on behind.

"No good, my boy, if you mean Devenham," said Tressider, shaking his head, "just been there, Viscount's disappeared too been away all night!" "What?" cried Barnabas, springing to his feet, "gone?" "Damme if he hasn't! Found his fellow in the devil of a way about it, and his little rascal of a groom blubbering on the stairs." "Then I must dress!

Personally, I should like it over as soon as possible, and anywhere would do, though Eltham for preference, Beverley. So if you will oblige me " But here, once again the Gentleman-in-Powder knocked to announce: "Mr. Tressider." The thinnish, youngish gentleman in sandy whiskers entered with a rush, but, seeing the Marquis, paused.

She has no other relative living, and no one to turn to except my aunt and myself. I wrote to Mr. Richard Tressider in Chicago, the owner of the factory in which I had been employed while there. John had told me that Tressider had been his client during the four years in which he practiced law in Chicago. I received an answer about the middle of August. Mr.

The planned robbery had, however, gone wrong and we had been compelled to return to London. Then Rayne had conceived the sinister idea of sending me to Lady Lydbrook who was not Sir Owen's wife at all but one of his agents like myself, and whose real name was Betty Tressider a girl-thief whose chief possession was a rope of imitation pearls.

"Moonraker" leaps forward, lengthens his stride, and away he goes fast and furious, filling the air with flying clods, on and on, is level with Tressider, is past, and galloping neck and neck with the Marquis. Onward sweeps the race, over fallow and plough, over hedge and ditch and fence, until, afar off, Barnabas sees again the gleam of water a jump full thirty feet across.

Tressider told Cleone that it was the best course he ever hoped to ride over meaning 'the worst' of course, so Cleone's quite wretched, dear lamb but oh, Barnabas, it would be dreadful if if you were killed oh!" And the Duchess shivered and turned away. "Would you mind? So much, madam?" "Barnabas I never had a son or a daughter but I think I know just how your mother would be feeling now!"