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Tregaskis, still a trifle flurried, fell to rubbing his hands together, thus producing an appearance of haste before he actually collected himself and hurried to execute the order. "Good God!" thought the Commandant to himself. "Am I browbeating this man?" He watched as Mr. Tregaskis stood over him and exhorted him to look sharp, or he'd never make a grocer.

On one of these the boat caught her heel, with a jerk that flung the two oarsmen sprawling and toppled Captain Hocken's tall hat over his nose. Mr Tregaskis thrust out a hand to catch it, but in too great a haste.

But it don't seem to allow for three meals per diem; and how to make bacon and eggs for dinner look different from bacon and eggs for breakfast is a question that'll take thought. You didn't happen to think upon cheese, now?" "I did," said the Commandant, triumphantly. "There's half a pound of cheese the very best Cheddar or, so Tregaskis assured me." "Tregaskis!" Mrs.

Tregaskis, who answered my knock, told me that her husband and the boys had already started off she believed for Gunner's Meadow, to launch their boat. There had been talk of doing so, anyhow, before they set out. Accordingly, off I pelted hot-foot for the meadow, but on reaching the slope above it could see no lanterns either about the pallace or on the beach.

She glanced at the broad back of Captain Tobias, who stood a few paces away, with legs planted wide and gaze still wrapped in contemplation of the gasometer. "Makin' so bold, sir, is that your friend we've heard tell so much about?" "It is, ma'am," Captain Cai turned about to call up 'Bias to be introduced, when Mr Tregaskis gently checked him, laying a hand on the musical box.

After you left me that night, and while I was dressing, it occurred to me from the last of the three signals the only one I saw that the wreck must be somewhere near the Carracks, and that Farmer Tregaskis had a seine-boat drawn up by the old pallace at Gunner's Meadow, just opposite the Carracks."

"There was talk of a boy," said Mr. Whitmore, still very deliberately. "At least, a boy was missing who had been seen in the house just previously, and they were watching the ferries for him. Why, surely, Rogers, that's a revoke!" "A revoke?" stammered Mr. Rogers. "So it is I beg your pardon, Tregaskis! Damn the cards! I'm too sleepy to tell one suit from another."

His strength would surprise you, sir." "H'm!" said the Captain, with a glance at Sergeant Archelaus. "The other but where is Tregaskis?" "Gone off, sir, to do business with the steward," explained Archelaus, saluting. "The other is a Mr. Tregaskis, a respectable man, and our principal tradesman in Garland Town.

"They said," confessed Captain Cai, "as how it was their united wish " Here he recalled Mr Tregaskis' allusion to possible offspring, and blushed painfully. "Well?" "That was the words: as how it was their united wish adding 'in all weathers." "And, the next news, it's playin' tunes in a ditch," pursued Captain Tobias.

"I am not ashamed to be seen carrying a basket, Mr. Tregaskis." "No, indeed, sir! But the hill being steep and a little exercise would do Melk, here, all the good in the world." "I prefer to carry the goods myself, I thank you."