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After that he went more slowly, though he found it hard to make the heavy cart go downhill slowly. It made his arms ache holding it back. Change for a Ten-Dollar Bill Having to drag a heavy cart with a big bag of groceries in it nearly a mile to the shopping center became considerable of a chore even before Jerry was halfway there. "Lemme see," he thought as he bumped the cart down a curb.

"Sir," he said, "your confounded dog spoiled a pair of ten-dollar trousers for me, and I demand another pair or satisfaction." Harry Rattleton caught his breath. Was Merriwell crazy? He started forward, as if to intervene, but Diamond, his eyes blazing, motioned him back. "Very well, sir," said the Southerner, addressing Frank, "you shall have all the satisfaction you desire. Mr.

I heered him say that he'd give a ten-dollar note ter know who it was drove by ye that night and crowded ye inter the ditch. Would you give more than that not ter have it known who done it?" "What do you mean?" exclaimed Tom, angrily. "I guess ye like this here gal that's cone to live on Jabez, purty well; don't ye yeou an' yer sister?" croaked old Parloe.

"Pretty well." Wilmot's giving hand had slipped automatically into his trousers pocket. Then, for once in his charitable life, he hesitated, since the pocket contained nothing but a ten-dollar bill, and that was all the money he had in the world with which to meet a pressing note of ten thousand. His hesitation lasted only a moment.

He was somewhat better off than was Benjamin Franklin when he entered Philadelphia for he had two or three dollars in pocket-change, and a ten-dollar bank-bill concealed in the lining of his coat. For a time he sweltered in a villainous mechanics' boarding-house in Duane Street, and worked at starvation wages in the printing-office of Gray & Green.

He couldn't spare the silver coin, which constituted all his available wealth, but he still had the counterfeit note. "You won't take all my money, will you?" he said, earnestly. "How much have you got?" asked the tramp, pricking up his ears. Carl, with apparent reluctance, drew out the ten-dollar bill. The tramp's face lighted up. "Is your name Vanderbilt?" he asked.

Sir James is a suspicious man and he might think that you fired those shots yourself in which case " He shrugged his shoulders, then taking out a ten-dollar note, handed it to the half-breed, whose eyes gleamed as he took it. "Now," he continued, "shoulder your canoe, and come along to the river. I should like to see you start. I'll carry your gun, and that sack of yours."

But it's not much worse than playing for money with him when he is in no condition to understand the game. You'd better give him back that ten-dollar bill." "I've a great mind to fling you downstairs, you young scamp!" "You are strong enough to do it," said Frank, exhibiting no trace of fear, "but I think you would be sorry for it afterwards. Come, Fred."

The ready-made silk dress which the American woman of small means now buys for a few dollars is of the very latest style and as tasteful in its lines, color scheme, and trimming as a high-class designer can make it. A ten-dollar gown is copied from a hundred-dollar model.

In broken English, the liveryman exclaimed: "He is no gentleman. He kills my horse. For that he shall pay two dollars more." "Well, what's the matter?" went on Norman laughing. "Isn't that enough? There's your money," and he picked up a Canadian ten-dollar bill and handed it to the owner of the pony. "His money is nussing," retorted the pony owner. "He is no gentleman."