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"You bet!" "A dog, a woman, an' a walnut tree Th' more yeh beat 'em, th' better they be! That's like us." "Lost a piler men, they did. If an ol' woman swep' up th' woods she'd git a dustpanful." "Yes, an' if she'll come around ag'in in 'bout an hour she'll get a pile more." The forest still bore its burden of clamor. From off under the trees came the rolling clatter of the musketry.

"We swep' that walk all for nothing!" But Peace's bright eyes had caught sight of a tall, wooden bucket on the counter, and now she demanded, "Is that oysters?" "Yes, jimdandies." "That's next best to chicken. I'll take a quarter's worth of them. We will have a Thanksgiving after all, Allee."

These was Tom Simmons, the second mate, an' Andy Boyle, a chap from the Adirondack Mount'ins, who'd never been to sea afore. As he was a landsman, he ought, by rights, to 'a' been swep' off by the wind an' water, consid'rin' that the cap'n an' sixteen good seamen had gone a'ready. But he had hands eleven inches long, an' that give him a grip which no typhoon could git the better of.

Faix, now the yell every sowl let you might ha' heard anywheres at all; for some of thim was thinkin' the misfort'nit body was apt to be swep' away and mortally dhrowned to the back of bein' hung; and some of thim wasn't thinkin' any such a thing.

"I don't want to say anything unneighbourly, but it seems a pity that some on 'em don't get swep' up by the next press-gang as lands. A few years aboard a man-o'-war'd be the best physic for some o' them. Look at all this here rubbidge about! I see 'em. Got it ready to fling at the young gent. I know their games."

But neither from the brush-maker, who had come to Shoe Lane only ten years ago, when the factory was already built, nor from any other source within his reach, could Silas learn anything of the old Lantern Yard friends, or of Mr. Paston the minister. "The old place is all swep' away," Silas said to Dolly Winthrop on the night of his return "the little graveyard and everything.

"So I made up my mind I'd take her to the cemet'ry. We done the work up first, an' 'Leven spried 'round for me, wipin' the dishes with the wipin' cloth in a bunch, an' settin' 'em up wrong places. An' I did hev to go in the butt'ry an' laugh to see her sweep up. She swep' up some like her broom was a branch an' the wind a-switchin' it.

The little woman pressed towards him and I wuz drawed along in her wake by the crowd, some as a stately ship is swep' on by a small tug and the flowin' waves. And anon, after shakin' hands with her, he took my hand in hisen. A emotion swep' through me, a sort of electric current that connects New Jerusalem to Jonesville and Zoar.

Of course, it's different if you haven't anything to lose by it. So I just said 'Never mind, aunt dear. I really haven't brought much; and what would you like me to do first? 'I should think you'd see for yourself, says she, thumping her pillows, 'that there's not a stick in the house been dusted yet no, nor a stair swep'.

"Look here," said Joe Cross, at last, "because I said I didn't want to talk, that wasn't meant for you who are all right up above the water. It's bad enough to be keeping a watch like this on a dark night, but that is no reason why you chaps shouldn't tell stories and talk and say something to cheer Mr Rodd up a bit. He had about the worst of it, swep' out of the boat as he was.